Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump Lynching

Yesterday, in one of his greatest reaches to paint himself as being unfairly victimized, Donald Trump used what might be the worst comparison in his presidency. That’s saying a lot because he’s made a lot of terrible comparisons.

Donald Trump equated his impeachment to a lynching. He tweeted, “So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights,” Trump wrote Tuesday on Twitter. “All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here — a lynching. But we will WIN!”

What the Democrats are doing is legal. It’s in the Constitution, which Donald Trump calls “phony.” Lynching is not legal and I don’t believe it ever was in this nation, though it was allowed.

White Christian conservative men (let’s just pretend Trump’s a Christian since he claims it) are the biggest whiners about victimization where there isn’t any. In this instance, one of them is appropriating actual victimization, something that brutally happened to hundreds of Americans. Most of those Americans who were lynched in the past were black men, hung by white, Christian, conservative men.

Hey, Trump cultists. Guess what. Worse things have happened to people than being impeached. What will Trump appropriate next? Slavery? Japanese internment? The Holocaust? No, Donald Trump. Your impeachment is nothing like a lynching, especially since most lynching victims were only guilty of being the wrong color in a hateful society. Donald Trump is guilty of violating his oath of office. Nobody is hanging him because he’s orange.

That’s exactly why Donald Trump is going off the rails and lashing out in every direction. It’s because he’s guilty and America can see the evidence. Asking a foreign nation to investigate a political opponent isn’t just violating his oath of office, it’s illegal. It’s illegal even without a quid pro quo, but we have that too.

In the summary of the phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s president, Trump is asking him to investigate his opponent. Later in front of the press, Trump admitted it. He asked China to investigate his opponent in front of the press. The terms and quid pro quo are in the texts between U.S. diplomats. Trump’s idiot lawyer, Rudy Guiliani, said he brought up investigating the Bidens to Ukrainian authorities. Trump’s own chief-of-staff explicitly described the terms of Ukraine receiving U.S. military aid in their war against Russia was dependent upon them announcing an investigation into a conspiracy theory over Ukraine meddling in the 2016 election and investigating Joe Biden’s son. Multiple witnesses have testified before Congress about those terms and there being a quid pro quo.

Yesterday, Bill Taylor, a career diplomat and acting-ambassador to Ukraine testified before Congress that the White House had threatened to withdraw much-needed military aid unless Ukraine’s president announced investigations for Trump’s political benefit. In a 15-page opening statement, Taylor repeatedly 9in case you’re a Republican, “repeatedly” means a bunch of times) expressed his shock and bewilderment as he watched U.S. policy toward Ukraine get overtaken by Trump’s demand that newly elected president Volodymyr Zelensky “go to a microphone and say he is opening investigations of Joe Biden and 2016 election interference.” By the way, that 2016 election interference by Ukraine is a debunked conspiracy theory. For some weird reason, Republicans like Trump believe the DNC server, which is still in Washington, is in Ukraine.

Because they don’t have anything to contradict his testimony and the fact everything is true, Republicans engaged the strategy of attacking the accuser. They cried that since he’s a career diplomat, who’s served under Republican and Democratic presidents, that he’s a member of the swamp and deep state. One Republican even complained that he’s unelected. Uh, he’s appointed just like every member of the president’s cabinet. Do you know who was never elected or appointed to serve in the Trump administration? Rudy Giuliani. Fuckers.

In the movie Liar, Liar, Jim Carrey’s character, a lawyer who is magically cursed not to lie by a birthday wish (it’s a stupid movie), objected during a trial and the judge asked why. He said, “because that testimony is hurting my case.”

As for the “lynching” comment, the most Republicans were willing to say against it was, “That’s not the language I would use,” which is what House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said. South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham, who’s from a state where at least 147 lynchings occurred, agreed with Trump and used the term himself and said the House actions amount to a “lynching in every sense,” and it’s “literally a political lynching.” He went on to say, “It’s not just racial, my friend. I’m from South Carolina. I understand it very well. Here’s what you don’t get. Mob rule is what lynching is all about. You grab somebody because you don’t like them. This is what happened to Kavanaugh. You’re guilty unless you can prove yourself innocent.” Graham couldn’t stop saying “lynching.”

I think the mob consists of the guys defending Trump and going after everyone who’s ever said anything truthful about him.

Donald Trump could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue, release a summary of a phone call boasting about the shooting, go before cameras and brag about the shooting while promising to do it again, have his chief-of-staff say “he shot someone on 5th Avenue,” put Giuliani on Hannity to say “he shot someone on 5th Avenue,” and have multiple witnesses go before Congress and testify they saw him shoot someone on 5th Avenue, then, have the shooting victim’s corpse paraded in front of them and Republicans would say, “I don’t see any evidence of a shooting on 5th Avenue.” That’s what’s happening here. The evidence is piling up and Republicans are refusing to see it.

Republicans have refused to see Trump’s racism, his stupidity, his inability to do the job, his divisiveness, his collusion with Russia, and even his paying off a porn star. Now, they have direct evidence in their face and they still say it’s not there. Right now, they’re walking into a wall and the wall’s not moving.

Donald Trump is guilty and he should be impeached. So far, his best defense is a horrible, racist comparison that he’s being “lynched.” But Donald Trump is not going to be lynched. In fact, he’s going to stand trial in the Senate. He will possibly stand several trials in the future. He will be judged fairly, not just by his peers, but by people better than him. Even with impeachment and imprisonment, Trump will receive better than he deserves.

Donald Trump is a repulsive, stupid, whiny, narcissistic, lying human being. And yesterday, he presented one of his greatest examples of the fact he’s a racist. The House will impeach him and the Republicans should join in.

History shows there’s a big difference between lynching and impeachment. History will also show that everyone who is still supporting Trump through all his corruption and racism is on the wrong side of it.


WASHINGTON — A panel of three federal appeals court judges appeared to be unreceptive on Wednesday to President Donald Trump's claim that local prosecutors cannot get his financial records as long as he's in office — and heard an extreme hypothetical from the president's lawyers making the case.

The long-standing view of the Justice Department is that a president cannot be indicted while in office. William Consovoy, President Trump's lawyer, told the Second Circuit Court of Appeals that the immunity extends to the entire criminal justice process, including grand jury subpoenas for documents.

WASHINGTON — A panel of three federal appeals court judges appeared to be unreceptive on Wednesday to President Donald Trump's claim that local prosecutors cannot get his financial records as long as he's in office — and heard an extreme hypothetical from the president's lawyers making the case.

The long-standing view of the Justice Department is that a president cannot be indicted while in office. William Consovoy, President Trump's lawyer, told the Second Circuit Court of Appeals that the immunity extends to the entire criminal justice process, including grand jury subpoenas for documents.


One of the two indicted associates of President Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, on Wednesday tied the case to the president himself, saying that some of the evidence gathered in the investigation could be subject to executive privilege.

The unusual argument was raised by a defense lawyer in federal court in Manhattan as the two associates, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, pleaded not guilty to federal charges that they had made illegal campaign contributions to political candidates in the United States in exchange for potential influence.