Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

A writer and longtime women’s advice columnist on Monday sued President Trump, accusing him of defaming her this summer after she claimed he sexually assaulted her two decades ago in an upscale New York City department store.

E. Jean Carroll publicly described the alleged assault for the first time in June, in a published excerpt of a memoir. At that time and in the new lawuit, she said that after running into the then-real estate developer at Bergdorf Goodman in late 1995 or early 1996, they chatted and shopped together before he attacked her in a dressing room. She said he knocked her head against a wall, pulled down her tights and briefly penetrated her before she pushed him off and ran out.

Trump has denied ever meeting her and has said she was trying to promote her book. The White House did not provide immediate comment after the suit was filed Monday morning.

“I am filing this on behalf of every woman who has ever been harassed, assaulted, silenced, or spoken up only to be shamed, fired, ridiculed and belittled,” said Carroll, who is seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages, in a statement. “No person in this country should be above the law – including the president.”
Brains Don’t Work On The Girl

The Trump kids, much like their father, are seriously out of their element when it comes to politics and well…anything that requires comprehension, consistency, and honesty. Donald Trump’s full-grown trust-fund babies are at their best when they ignore what’s actually going on, like when Jr. and Eric tweeted denials that their father was booed at a UFC event in New York over the weekend. It’s like that episode of The Simpsons, when a crowd boos Mr. Burns. His lackey, Mr. Smithers, tells his boss they’re not saying “boo.” They’re saying “Boo-urns.”

Last week, Donald Trump Jr., with a straight face, went on Hannity and said, “I wish my name was Hunter Biden. I could go abroad, make millions off of my father’s presidency. I’d be a really rich guy! It would be incredible!” If Sean Hannity was an actual journalist, he would have reminded Donald Trump Jr. that his name is Donald Trump Jr. DJTJ was on Hannity to promote his new book, “Triggered,” which, ironically, nobody would be interested in publishing or reading if his name wasn’t Donald Trump Jr.

On October 15, Eric Trump made the claim, “When my father became commander in chief of this country, we got out of all international business.” There are literally buildings in other countries with the Trump name on them. In fact, every time the Trump kids go on an overseas business deal, which they still do, taxpayers have to pay a bill for their protection.

Jared, who is in charge of Trump’s impeachment defense (good luck) and argues his father-in-law hasn’t “done anything wrong,” responded to Joe Biden’s criticism of his and Ivanka having jobs in the White House. Jared said, “He’s entitled to his opinion, but a lot of the work that the President’s had me doing over the last three years has actually been cleaning up the messes that Vice President Biden left behind.” It’s funny because Jared has no idea what he’s doing and someday in the future, someone’s going to be cleaning up the messes he left behind.

Then there’s Daddy’s princess, Ivanka. She decided to defend her father from the impeachment inquiry by comparing him to Jefferson…No, not George but Thomas. She took an eloquent quote from the third president and tweeted, “‘…surrounded by enemies and spies catching and perverting every word that falls from my lips or flows from my pen, and inventing where facts fail them.’ -Thomas Jefferson’s reflections on Washington, D.C. in a letter to his daughter Martha.
Some things never change, dad!”

There are several takes you can get from them. Jefferson is on the nickel and the closest honor Trump has to that is a baby balloon of him floating around the United Kingdom. Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and Trump tweets out photoshopped pics of him placing medals on dogs. The best take from this is that Jefferson was responding to accusations he fathered a child with a slave…which he was guilty of at least six times. I don’t think the area of who Trump has slept with, or wants to sleep with, is one Ivanka should wade into. Ivanka should try to find a quote from someone defending themselves from fraudulent charges, like OJ.

Here’s the thing, pretend princess, when you Google a quote, don’t stop reading before you find the context. Perhaps, if you spent more time comprehending what you’re supposed to be doing as a “senior adviser” to the president instead of your public-image campaign of presenting yourself as the rational Trump with humility, you may accidentally stumble upon a clue.

These are just more examples of rich white people crying about how they’re constantly persecuted and life is so hard and unfair for them. If only the world would stop being mean to trust-fund babies.

But if you’re seeking a Jefferson quote, Sweatshop Barbie, I got one for you. Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Towards acquiring the confidence of the people the very first measure is to satisfy them of his disinterestedness, & that he is directing their affairs with a single eye to their good, & not to build up fortunes for himself & family: & especially that the officers appointed to transact their business, are appointed because they are the fittest men, not because they are his relations. So prone are they to suspicion that where a President appoints a relation of his own, however worthy, they will believe that favor, & not merit, was the motive.”

I know it’s kinda long so I’ll directly give you the point. Nepotism is bad. Still don’t understand it? You and your idiot husband only have positions in the White House because the president is your father. If you honestly believe you’re there because of your qualifications, then you are dumber than I could ever make you out to be.

But, since you’re seeking a Jefferson quote that fits your situation, I’ll provide another for you: “If I paid you to think, you could cash your check at the penny arcade.” That’s from George.

50k+ replies in this thread and nothing is going to change. No impeachment, and 4 more years of Trump until the next crook is elected.

The U.S. Constitution provides, in Article II, Section 4, three grounds for the impeachment of a president: (1) Treason; (2) Bribery, and (3) other High Crimes and Misdemeanors. To date, potential articles of impeachment for “abuse of office” or “abuse of power” have been Congress’ primary focus during the impeachment inquiry into Trump’s July 25th phone call with President Zelensky and the conditions that he set for the release of the desperately-needed U.S. military aid to Ukraine. These likely charges in the impeachment articles fall under the general category of “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

However, what Congress may be missing is that, for the first time in our nation’s history, there is substantial evidence for impeachment of a sitting president for Treason. Article III, Section 3, Clause 1 defines Treason as defined as the betrayal of one’s country by the giving of “aid and comfort” to the enemy. Russia is, without question, an enemy of the U.S. It planned and executed a massive cyberattack and disinformation campaign against the U.S. during the 2016 presidential campaign that was hugely successful, catapulting a pro-Russian and anti-democratic “Siberian Candidate” into the White House.

Since then, Trump has consistently engaged in a course of conduct designed to give substantial “aid and comfort” to Russia, at the disastrous expense of fundamental U.S. interests. If Putin had drawn up a “fantasy agenda” for a fictitious U.S. president to carry out on Russia’s behalf, it would have precisely coincided with what Trump has actually done to take a wrecking ball to American foreign policy and its alliances.

Trump has repeatedly criticized our closest allies for petty and imagined slights, while uncritically praising Putin and a long list of autocratic and brutal “strongmen” around the globe who are committed to perpetuating their own power at any cost. He has questioned America’s continued commitment to NATO, the strongest and most effective alliance in modern history, which is largely responsible for blocking Soviet post-World War II expansionism and keeping the world safe from a nuclear winter. He has sided with Putin and questioned the U.S. intelligence agencies’ conclusion that Russia was behind the foreign interference with the 2016 election.

He has turned a blind eye to Russia’s continued de facto annexation of Crimea and its attempts to carve off additional Ukrainian real estate so that pro-Russian satellite states can be established along Russia’s western frontier with Ukraine. He withheld the Javelin missile systems and other military hardware that Ukraine needed to hold back the Russians from further encroaching on additional Ukraine territory in its quest of either breaking up that country entirely or returning it to the Russian orbit.
