Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Grifter Strikes Again

During the 2016 presidential campaign, a poll showed that between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, respondents believed Clinton was less honest than Trump. Believing in something doesn’t make it true. If I asked you to list lies told by Clinton, maybe you could name three. If you visit Politifact’s page listing false statements told by Clinton, you’ll find there are two pages. Wow! That’s a lot of false statements. If you visit their section listing false statements made by Donald Trump, you’ll find there are 13 pages. The Washington Post has counted over 13,000 lies told by Donald Trump just in the time that he’s been president.

Clinton’s haters used the Clinton Foundation, a charitable enterprise of the Clinton family, as evidence of her corruption. They cited donations made to it by foreign governments while she was Secretary of State. They can’t find any actual corruption, but Hillary booga, booga, booga.

Yet, the Clinton Foundation has never been cited for fraud by a court of law. It’s never been found as a slush fund or personal piggy bank for the Clinton family. It was never used as an arm of any political campaign. The facts don’t matter anyway to Trump supporters because they don’t really care about fraud, corruption, or abuse of a charity. They don’t even care if you use a charity to grift from veterans. They only pretend to care. Why do I say this? Because they don’t care that Donald Trump has done everything and more that they’ve accused Clinton of doing.

Donald Trump had (past tense people, and you’ll see why in a minute) a charity called the Trump Foundation. Trump likes to think of any money he has access to as his money. When his foundation actually donated to charitable causes, Trump would claim he made that donation even though it actually came from other people who donated to his charity. Now as president, he thinks taxpayer money is his to do with as he pleases too.

How much money did Trump personally contribute to the Trump Foundation? Since 2008, none. Trump solicited outside donations. Often, he would accept payment for appearances, like his Wrestlemania stint, by having it contributed to the foundation. That’s how you avoid payroll taxes. After it’s given to the foundation, Nobody knows if it went to something charitable or to his wallet. There was really no accounting. The board of directors (which included three of his kids) did not conduct a meeting in over two decades. How much have the Clintons contributed to the charity that bears their name? Between 2001 and 2015, $23.2 million.

You may think that at least the money other people give to the Trump Foundation does go to charity. Uuuuuuuhhhhh…not always. Donald Trump has a history of using the foundation as a personal slush fund. He’s used money from it to purchase gifts for himself (as in paintings of himself and sports memorabilia), to pay off fines for his golf resorts, and to make campaign contributions (like to Pam Bondi in Florida). Washington Post reporter David Farenthold won a Pulitzer Prize detailing the corruption of the Trump Foundation.

Now, Donald Trump has been ordered by a New York state court to pay $2 million to charities for misusing his foundation for personal profit and political use. He also has to dissolve the Trump Foundation and to distribute the remaining $1.7 million to other charities that have no connection to Trump (that part’s important to make clear to him).

During the presidential campaign, Trump skipped a Republican debate and held a competing fundraising event. He claimed he was raising money for veterans. By the end of the evening, he claimed to have raised over $6 million for vets. As it turns out, even that was a lie.

Trump did raise $2.8 million but as it turns out, it wasn’t a charitable event. It was a campaign event. Some of the money did go to veterans. Where did the bulk of it go? Nobody knows. Did it go into the Trump campaign? Did it go into Trump’s pockets?

In case you’re new to this, it’s illegal for a charity to be used politically or to benefit the self-interest of its executives. In this situation, the Trump campaign was put in charge of spending for the Trump Foundation. Shocking.

This wasn’t a snafu. It wasn’t just some sloppy saccounting. It wasn’t an oops. This was deliberate and corrupt. This was Donald Trump using veterans and stealing from them.

The best part of this is that Donald Trump has admitted he used the charity politically and for personal use. He has also agreed that any charity he becomes involved with in the future will have a majority of independent directors, lawyers with expertise in nonprofit law and an accounting firm to monitor its grants and expenses. Additionally, his kids who were on the board, Donald Jr, Eric, and Ivanka, will undergo training in order to ensure they do not engage in similar improprieties. How bad is it that these adults have to take classes teaching them not to steal?

Though he admitted he used the campaign politically and as a personal slush fund, last night Trump tweeted that the suit was brought by “political hacks” and that he had given “100 percent of the funds to great charities” and had suffered “4 years of politically motivated harassment” by the attorney general’s office. He also tweeted, “All they found was incredibly effective philanthropy and some small technical violations.” No, Donald. What they found was a lying crook who continues to lie after a settlement was reached. Putting other people’s shit into your pocket is not a “small technical violation.”

Trump also said this was one of the reasons he’s moving to Florida after he leaves the White House. Apparently, he believes Florida will allow him to be corrupt. He’s probably right.

Today, the Trump Campaign is paying the legal bills for him and his children over every suit involving his presidency. And all that money that went into his inauguration from private donors? We don’t know where it is or how it was spent. It went buh-bye.

Donald Trump is a liar, a crook, a grifter, a conman, and a thief. If you’re a Trump supporter, you either don’t know that or you don’t care. What’s most bizarre about not accepting the truth about Trump’s corruption is that the person he’s conning….is you.


You can run from the climate crisis, but you can’t hide. On the front lines of this global environmental calamity, entire communities are being consumed by fire, submerged by typhoons and hurricanes, or baked under the sun amid historic droughts.

President Donald Trump, the climate change denier in chief, has formally begun the process of withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. Originally signed by President Barack Obama in 2015, the accord established a cooperative, global path to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees F) above preindustrial levels.

The United States is now the only nation on the planet that has pulled out of the agreement. A new statement signed by over 11,000 scientists from over 150 countries warns of “untold suffering” unless global society undergoes a “major transformation.”

Trump’s denial of the climate crisis is unconscionable and should be added to the articles of impeachment against him.

House Republicans are (now preparing to sacrifice) poor Rudolph Giuliani to save President Trump. Their new argument is that Giuliani — along with acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and Ambassador Gordon Sondland — were freelancing the organized campaign to extort Ukraine into carrying out Trump’s political bidding, and Trump had no input into it.

But this argument requires one to pretend that numerous widely documented facts simply don’t exist — including repeated public statements by the president himself.

Which points to a morbidly amusing perversity about this new turn in the Ukraine saga: Republicans are now blaming Donald Trump’s underlings for taking their cues on how to respond to this scandal from none other than Donald Trump.

The Post (reports that House Republicans are planning to defend Trump by arguing) that Giuliani, Mulvaney and Sondland “could have acted on their own to influence Ukraine policy”:

House impeachment investigators on Friday released the deposition transcript of Fiona Hill, a former National Security Council official whose testimony has been among the most damaging so far to President Donald Trump.

Hill on Oct. 14 testified before lawmakers on how the Trump aide grew alarmed about the role Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, and others were playing in Ukraine policy — especially their efforts to pressure the government in Kyiv to investigate Trump’s political rivals. She said then-national security adviser John Bolton at one point instructed her to report the concerns to the NSC’s lawyers.

Hill’s testimony was considered explosive in part because she was working in the White House and thus in close proximity to Trump. But she also left the administration over the summer, before the now-infamous July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s president that is now at the heart of the impeachment inquiry, and subsequent critical events.

POLITICO scoured Hill’s deposition for the following new or illuminating nuggets. Check back for updates throughout the day.

ATLANTA — John R. Bolton, President Trump’s former national security adviser, has knowledge of “many relevant meetings and conversations” connected to the Ukraine pressure campaign that House impeachment investigators do not yet know about, his lawyer told lawmakers on Friday.

The lawyer, Charles J. Cooper, made that tantalizing point in a letter to the chief House lawyer in response to House committee chairmen who have sought Mr. Bolton’s testimony in their impeachment proceedings but expressed unwillingness to go to court to get an order compelling it.

Mr. Cooper did not elaborate on what meetings and conversations he was referring to, leaving it to House Democrats to guess at what he might know.

Locals hereabout will recall White’s time in Tampa where she served as co-pastor, along with her now former husband Randy White, of the Without Walls International Church.

It was not just a church without walls. It was also without much of a bookkeeper. The ministry eventually declared bankruptcy, despite hauling in as much as $150 million between 2004 to 2006. Salvation doesn’t come cheap.

How do you blow through $150 million in alms? God only knows. And maybe the IRS.

Since departing from Without Walls a few years ago, White has been the senior pastor of City of Destiny near Orlando, offering the noted theologian an opportunity to sermonize her prosperity gospel to a whole flock of worshipers.

Along with other gospel grifters such as Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland and T.D. Jakes, White is a loyal acolyte of prosperity theology, which holds God wants his faithful to achieve wealth and health.

So much for: “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Little wonder that the High Priest of Palm Beach tapped White to assist him in convincing his evangelical lambs he really is a very prayerful chap.

White will have her work cut out for her in establishing Trump’s biblical bona fides. After all, this is a thrice-married president who has bragged about his affairs, engaged in a sexual dalliance with a porn star, told an estimated 13,435 lies and misleading statements counted so far as of October by the Washington Post, played footsie with all manner of despots, stabbed Kurdish allies in the back, coddled white supremacists, separated families at the border and caged toddlers. What some people won’t do for a Nobel Peace Prize.