Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

In an administration populated by the corrupt, the immoral and the half-witted, Stephen Miller stands out as perhaps the most sinister figure in President Trump’s orbit.

Known as a shrewd and ruthless bureaucratic operator, Miller has consistently pushed the administration to adopt the harshest policies possible on immigration, targeting not just undocumented immigrants but (legal immigrants), as well. He spearheaded Trump’s efforts to ban people from Muslim countries from coming to the United States. He has proposed that the United States admit zero refugees and sought to crack down on asylum seekers.

Miller shouts at other officials in meetings about crimes committed by immigrants. Miller’s views and actions on immigration are so odious that his own uncle penned an op-ed condemning him for them, noting that under the policies Miller has pushed, their family would never have been allowed to come to America.

Miller has a long history as a right-wing provocateur and opponent of immigration. In high school, he wrote an article asking why there were “usually very few, if any, Hispanic students in my honors classes, despite the large number of Hispanic students that attend our school."

Given all this, it wasn’t much of a surprise when the Southern Poverty Law Center published an article Tuesday based on emails it obtained from the right-wing website Breitbart, in which Miller “promoted white nationalist literature, pushed racist immigration stories and obsessed over the loss of Confederate symbols after Dylann Roof’s murderous rampage.”

How has the White House responded? Officials there claim not to have read the SPLC’s report, but one official did tell a reporter from Axios, “This is clearly a form of anti-Semitism to levy these attacks against a Jewish staffer.”

I’m sure that at some point, someone made a more repugnant attempt to use an accusation of anti-Semitism to shield someone from accountability for their own bigotry. I just can’t recall any.


In other words, he has been just what Trump was hoping for back when he was hired. In a different administration, the revelation of these emails might get a person fired. In this administration, it might get him a promotion.

Congress can seek eight years of President Trump’s tax records, according to a federal appeals court order Wednesday that moves the separation-of-powers conflict one step closer to the Supreme Court.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit let stand an earlier ruling against the president that affirmed Congress’s investigative authority on a day when the House was holding its first public impeachment inquiry hearing.

Trump’s lawyers have said they are prepared to ask the Supreme Court to intervene in this case and in several other legal battles between the president and Congress.

The D.C. Circuit was responding Wednesday to Trump’s request to have a full panel of judges rehear a three-judge decision from October that rejected the president’s request to block lawmakers from subpoenaing his longtime accounting firm.

The order does not mean Trump’s taxes will be turned over to Congress immediately. The D.C. Circuit previously said it would put any ruling against the president on hold for seven days to give Trump’s attorneys time to ask the Supreme Court to step in.

Trump’s attorneys also are planning to ask the high court as soon as this week to block a similar subpoena for the president’s tax records from the Manhattan district attorney, who is investigating hush-money payments in the lead-up to the 2016 election. The New York-based appeals court (ruled against Trump this month)and refused to block the subpoena to his accounting firm, Mazars USA.

The D.C. Circuit case centers on a House Oversight Committee subpoena from March for the president’s accounting firm records — issued months before the beginning of its impeachment inquiry, related to Trump’s alleged efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival Joe Biden.

Congress can seek eight years of President Trump’s tax records, according to a federal appeals court order Wednesday that moves the separation-of-powers conflict one step closer to the Supreme Court.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit let stand an earlier ruling against the president that affirmed Congress’s investigative authority on a day when the House was holding its first public impeachment inquiry hearing.

Trump’s lawyers have said they are prepared to ask the Supreme Court to intervene in this case and in several other legal battles between the president and Congress.

The D.C. Circuit was responding Wednesday to Trump’s request to have a full panel of judges rehear a three-judge decision from October that rejected the president’s request to block lawmakers from subpoenaing his longtime accounting firm.

The order does not mean Trump’s taxes will be turned over to Congress immediately. The D.C. Circuit previously said it would put any ruling against the president on hold for seven days to give Trump’s attorneys time to ask the Supreme Court to step in.

Trump’s attorneys also are planning to ask the high court as soon as this week to block a similar subpoena for the president’s tax records from the Manhattan district attorney, who is investigating hush-money payments in the lead-up to the 2016 election. The New York-based appeals court (ruled against Trump this month)and refused to block the subpoena to his accounting firm, Mazars USA.

The D.C. Circuit case centers on a House Oversight Committee subpoena from March for the president’s accounting firm records — issued months before the beginning of its impeachment inquiry, related to Trump’s alleged efforts to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rival Joe Biden.
