Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Zelensky Loves It

Donald Trump made an unannounced, surprise, mysterious visit to the hospital over the weekend. The White House is in denial mode that there was an emergency for the 73-year-old obese manbaby, and his physician issued a statement saying, “regular, primary preventative care.”

Presidents get physicals once a year so why all the speculation? Because this was unannounced, his last physical was in February, Trump isn’t a picture of health, and he and this White House lie.

Stephanie Grisham, the White House Press Secretary was indignant as she attacked the press for speculating on the visit and described an incredibly fit president full of energy. I mean, what’s wrong with us that after over 13,000 lies, that we don’t believe this one? Who wouldn’t believe their explanation that Trump is taking his physical in stages?

Personally, I’m kinda surprised part of their defense isn’t that President Volodymyr Zelensky loves that ass.

While it hasn’t been reported if Trump underwent a colonoscopy during his last visit, there are plenty of sycophants who have crawled up that ass.

David Holmes, the political counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, testified before Congress in a closed hearing that he overhead Donald Trump speaking to European Union Ambassador Gordon Sondland over an unsecured cell phone. Holmes testified that he could hear Trump ask Sondland if Zelensky was going to investigate his political enemies. Sondland replied he would do anything Trump asks him to do and that “he loves your ass.”

After the call, conducted from a popular restaurant in Kyiv, Ukraine, Sondland told Holmes that Trump didn’t “give a shit” about Ukraine and only cared about the “big stuff” going on in Ukraine. No, not “big stuff” like the war with Russia, but “big stuff” like investigating Joe Biden.

Trump and the people who loves his ass lie about everything, big and small. From a routine physical to bribing a foreign president. The more testimony that comes out about his dealings with Ukraine, the more his ass his exposed. The only thing that will save his presidency are the Republicans in Congress who love his ass.

The best thing for this nation will be Trump’s ass getting impeached. And take the rest of him with it.


Over the last several weeks Donald Trump’s impeachment defense has shifted numerous times. When he and his Republican defenders can no longer maintain an old position, they shift to a new one, without any recognition that something they once insisted on as true has been demonstrated to be false.

Let’s look at ten of these “defenses.”

(1) Nothing wrong with the July 25 phone call.

Dead. ...

(2) Yes, Trump asked Ukraine to investigate Biden, but this request wasn’t tied to aid.

Dead. ...

(3) Yes, the investigations were tied to aid, but Trump was trying to fight corruption, not seeking political gain.


Of all of Trump’s defenses, this is probably the most ludicrous. ...

(4) Trump only froze aid to Ukraine because he’s paranoid and vindictive—using the withheld aid to extort Ukraine only dawned on him later.

This is probably Trump’s most convincing argument, but it’s not really a defense, is it?

We have credible (testimony) that Trump hated Ukraine ...

(5) Yes, he fired Yovanovitch, but he replaced her with somebody equally honorable, William Taylor.

Dead. ...

(6) No harm, no foul because Trump ultimately released the aid.

Almost dead.

Trump only released the aid after the whistleblower’s report became known. If you kidnap someone, and then release them before the ransom gets paid, you still committed a kidnapping.

(7) There couldn’t be a quid pro quo, because Ukraine didn’t know the aid was being withheld.

Dead. ...

(8) There couldn’t be a quid pro quo, because Zelensky hadn’t done anything when the aid was released.

Dead. ...

(9) It wasn’t Trump.

This one is in critical condition, though not yet on life support. ...

(10) Impeachable shmim-peachable.

If you assume that Gordon Sondland (or somebody else close to Trump) will supply the missing link that fatally wounds the “it wasn’t me” defense, “not impeachable” will be Trump’s last stand. ...
(1/x) Noted without further comment, this passage from Alexander Hamilton, in a letter to George Washington from August of 1792. The fuull document can be found here: Founders Online: Enclosure: [Objections and Answers Respecting the Administrati …

(2/x) "When a man unprincipled in private life, desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour. . .

(3/x)". . .known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion. . ."

(4/4) ". . .to flatter and fall in with all the nonsense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may 'ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.' "

Even if you have seen this quote, it's worth reading again.

Thread by @Dereklowe: "(1/x) Noted without further comment, this passage from Alexander Hamilton, in a letter to George Washington from August of 1792. The fuull d […]"

White House senior adviser Stephen Miller had more editorial influence over the right-wing news website Breitbart during the 2016 presidential campaign than previously known and attempted to push articles attacking then-presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., according to a new batch of leaked emails shared with NBC News.

The emails, which were first given to the Southern Poverty Law Center by former Breitbart writer Katie McHugh, reveal that Breitbart published an article in October 2015 about immigration levels with the byline “Breitbart News” under the direction of Miller while he was working for then-Senator Jeff Sessions.

The emails offer a window into just how closely Miller coordinated with Breitbart, a publication that backed President Donald Trump early in his campaign. Its former chief executive, Steve Bannon, later served as an adviser to Trump.