Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Subpoenas described to The Wall Street Journal listed more than a half dozen potential charges under consideration: obstruction of justice, money laundering, conspiracy to defraud the United States, making false statements to the federal government, serving as an agent of a foreign government without registering with the Justice Department, donating funds from foreign nationals, making contributions in the name of another person or allowing someone else to use one’s name to make a contribution, along with mail fraud and wire fraud.

Messrs. Parnas and Fruman, both Florida businessmen and U.S. citizens born in former Soviet republics, have pleaded not guilty. A lawyer for Mr. Parnas didn’t respond to a request for comment; a lawyer for Mr. Fruman didn’t immediately comment.

Investigators have sought information from prospective witnesses about Messrs. Parnas’s and Fruman’s political and business activities, and how they intersected with the Trump administration and Mr. Giuliani’s work, according to the people familiar with the investigation.

The subpoenas also sought materials related to America First Action and America First Policies, two pro-Trump groups. Kelly Sadler, a spokeswoman for the groups, said the organizations contacted the Manhattan U.S. attorney’s office last month and offered to cooperate. She said neither group received a subpoena.
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Walk For Captain Bone Spurs

It amazes me that Trump’s supporters have confidence and respect in his ability as Commander in Chief. This is a man who has never respected the military. Saying you respect the military doesn’t actually mean you do, just as saying “no quid pro quo” while extorting someone doesn’t mean there’s no extortion.

Donald Trump dodged the draft. He got the rich-kid deferment when his daddy paid a doctor to vouch for Trump’s bone spurs.

He claimed that avoiding STDs during the 80s was his Vietnam. Seriously. He said going to a boarding school was exactly like military training.

He said a POW was only a hero “because he got captured” and also said, “I like people who aren’t captured.” He has feuded with Gold Star families. He’s continued to feud with the dead POW. He’s stood before our troops and lied to their faces over their pay. Once, he even lost an aircraft carrier.

Today, he’s decreasing our military’s preparedness on soon-to-be broken promises by Kim Jong Un. He’s given classified information to Putin. He’s revealed we have nuclear weapons in Turkey. He pulled our troops out of Syria, abandoning our allies, and telling the world they can’t trust the United States, or our military, anymore. Hell, when it comes to Russian spies vs. American law enforcement, he sides with the Russian spies.

Now, Captain Bone Spurs, who once said he knows more than the generals, is preventing the military from disciplining one of their own.

Chief Petty Officer Edward Gallagher texted photos of himself with the corpse of an Islamic militant with the message, “I have got a cool story for you when I get back. I have got my knife skills on.” Donald Trump described his behavior as “tough.” I don’t think “tough” is the word to describe someone who poses with corpses.

While he was acquitted of the murder of the militant, he was in danger of being demoted by the Navy…until Donald Trump got involved.

Shouldn’t military discipline be left to the military without meddling from the draft dodger? Of course, but this draft dodger is the president (sic). Also, Bernard Kerik, a former business partner of Trump’s personal goon, Rudy Giuliani, has been making the rounds on Trump TV advocating for Gallagher, who changed his legal defense team to include a lawyer from Trump’s real estate company.

Trump tweeted out support of Gallagher and according to Defense Secretary Mark Esper, ordered him to stop a disciplinary review of the Navy Seal. The person who was disciplined in all of this is Secretary of the Navy, Richard Spencer. Esper has accused Spencer of going behind his back to make a secret deal with the White House. In this proposed deal, Spencer promised that Esper would fix the review so Gallagher wouldn’t be demoted. Esper says this violates the chain of command. Yet, it’s Trump who’s demoralizing the military.

Yes, the president can intervene in military cases and decisions. That doesn’t mean he should. He’s teaching the rank and file that if they can get an advocate to hawk their case on Fox News, get sympathy from Donald Trump, then they don’t have to worry about discipline. Pretty soon, the military will have even less discipline than Trump’s boarding school.

Soon, serving in the military will be like Donald Trump avoiding Gonorrhea in the 1980s. Except for members in our military, Trump is the disease.
