Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Donald Trump, Jr. cruised into the Thanksgiving weekend on the heels of an enormous literary triumph. His opus Triggered had spent two solid weeks on the top of The New York Times non-fiction best seller list. Junior’s run ended this week when he was knocked off by A Warning. But despite this displacement, Triggered represents a triumph for the young scribe, who has now accomplished something on his own. His father’s namesake is, finally, not a failson.

What’s a failson (pronounced exactly like it looks, just a combination of “fail” and “son”)? He is an upper- (or upper-middle) class incompetent who is protected by familial wealth from the consequences of his actions. The term seems to have been coined by one Will Menaker of the podcast Chapo Trap House, as documented in The New Yorker in this 2016 article.

One is not born a failson. Nor does one simply inherit the status of failson. No—failson status is earned through a display of equal parts incompetence, stupidity, and arrogance. And until his book, no person in America—or maybe even the world, so bursting at the seams with louche heirs and dissolute royals with no throne to sit their pampered arses on—illustrated all the facets of a failson better than Junior.

Stupid word and article. How many of these famous, rich peoples kids are the same as Trump jr ? Most ride their parents coattails to mediocrity anyway. The hate for this presidents family is astounding and embarrassing. The fact that Dr. Scally thinks this is something great makes me question why? Seriously doc, WTF is wrong with you?
Stupid word and article. How many of these famous, rich peoples kids are the same as Trump jr ? Most ride their parents coattails to mediocrity anyway. The hate for this presidents family is astounding and embarrassing. The fact that Dr. Scally thinks this is something great makes me question why? Seriously doc, WTF is wrong with you?
He'll gladly swallow every peice of liberal shit that falls out of the media's ass, lol
He'll gladly swallow every peice of liberal shit that falls out of the media's ass, lol
I dont think he reads all of it. I dont have any "hate" for any politicians. I mean, sure, I dislike some of them but c'mon. Doesnt Chelsea Clinton work for her parents foundation? #Faildaughter. Thats just passive aggressive, whiny, hide behind a keyboard bullshit, right? Btw, Im a fucking genius....:)