Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

The FBI is looking into pardons issued by former Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, a Republican, including clemency given to a murderer and a child rapist, according to a report.

The Louisville Courier Journal, citing two sources familiar with the matter, reported late Monday that an FBI agent had spoken with a Kentucky state representative, Rep. Chris Harris, about a criminal investigation into Bevin's pardons.

Harris, who had called for an investigation into the ex-governor, told the Courier Journal that he'd been contacted last week by a criminal investigator about Bevin's pardons. Harris refused to comment on which law enforcement agency the investigator was from.

The lawmaker did not respond to repeated questions from NBC News on Tuesday. The FBI isn't commenting on the matter.

Bevin, who lost his re-election bid last month, has come under fire in recent weeks for having issued more than 600 pardons and sentence reductions since the Nov. 5 election, according to the Kentucky Secretary of State's office.

Among Bevin's pardons were ones for a convicted child rapist and a man convicted of killing his parents.

Public support for Donald Trump‘s removal from office is the highest it has ever been, according to a new poll.

Fifty-five per cent of those asked said they were in favour of the US president’s conviction by the Senate, a figure which has shot up from 48 per cent the week before.

Meanwhile, the number of people against Mr Trump’s removal has dropped to an all-time low, according to the

On Christmas Day, 40 per cent were opposed to the Senate voting to convict the president, who has been impeached over his dealings with Ukraine and an alleged subsequent attempt to obstruct congress.

The gap between the two views has become much wider since last week, when there was little to divide them (48 per cent in favour of Mr Trump's removal, 47 per cent against).

Mis- and disinformation moved up the news agenda over the last 12 months as researchers, journalists and the public faced unprecedented problems navigating the online news ecosystem. Information Disorder: Year in Review takes soundings from experts around the world on what to expect – and how to be more resilient in 2020.

Eliot Higgins is the founder and executive director of Bellingcat, an investigative-journalism group based in The Hague, Netherlands. He focuses on the weapons used in the conflict in Syria, and open source investigation tools and techniques.