Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


It’s official. Donald Trump is the worst president (sic) in American history.

In Donald Trump’s defense of being the worst president (sic) ever, he pretty much sucks in general. He’s a horrible shitty person. Also in his defense of being the worst president (sic) ever, he never actually tried to do the job. Who knows. Maybe if he actually tried to have done the job and had served he citizens of this nation instead of himself, he would only be the second or third worst president (sic) in American history.

To be fair, he was unqualified for the job and it’s a position he never should have been placed in by less than half the people of this nation and Russia. President Obama, who was elected twice, winning the popular vote BOTH times, said Donald Trump was “uniquely unqualified” for the presidency. That means his level of awfulness was off the charts. It would be really hard to find someone, anyone in this nation who could be worst at president than Donald Trump.

Also to be fair, it didn’t really take two impeachments for Donald Trump to be the worst president (sic) ever. But that second impeachment kills the argument. Say what you will about Richard Nixon, Millard Fillmore, Herbert Hoover, James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, or Andrew Johnson, none of them was impeached twice. Johnson was only impeached once. Donald Trump was on his way to being the worst president (sic) ever the day he was “elected” president (sic).

Look at how Donald Trump was elected. Yes, the election was fair and legal. Even Trump, upset he didn’t win the popular vote, looked for voter fraud and couldn’t find any. But the way he ran his campaign was corrupt. Russia helped him win the election. Yes, Republicans keep yelling about the “Russia hoax” but it’s a fact that Donald Trump publicly asked Russia for help. It’s a fact Russians were invited to Trump Tower, the campaign HQ, to provide dirt on Hillary Clinton. It’s a fact his campaign manager was sharing polling information with people connected to Russia. Fact, fact, fuckity fact, fact.

Also before he “won” the election, his campaign started with racism and a lie. He said Mexico was sending rapists and murderers to our country and that he was going to build a big wall on the border and make Mexico pay for it. So far, he’s built about 47 miles of new wall and Mexico hasn’t sent us a penny for it.

Before he took office, he appointed his daughter and her skinny husband to “adviser” positions in the White House. The very first thing Skinny did was try to get a back channel to communicate with Russia. Why? Who knows. And it took multiple submissions of their applications for security clearances until Trump said, “Fuck it,” over-ruled the FBI who was saying, “Do NOT ever give security clearances to these treasonous trust-fund heathens,” and gave them clearances anyway. What the heck, it’s not like Donald Trump could have gotten a security clearance if he wasn’t president (sic).

And after he became president (sic), he kept adding to his resume to become the worst president (sic) ever. During his inauguration, he talked about American carnage on the steps of the capitol which was later engulfed in American carnage he created. Then, he sent his spokesgoon out to lie about crowd sizes. To this point, Donald Trump has told over 22,000 lies. His second spokesgoon continued the pattern of lying…as did his third spokesgoon.

He ripped families apart, sent babies to jail and forced them to go to immigration court…alone. He got rid of DACA. He enacted a travel ban against Muslims. He talked about “shithole” countries. He said four American congresswoman with dark skin should be sent back to where they came from…which for three of them, is America. He stole an Obama Supreme Court appointment, appointed a suspected beer-loving rapist frat boy to the Supreme Court, then stole Joe Biden’s Supreme Court appointment.

He made the Justice Department the Department of Protecting Donald Trump. He appointed an attorney general who was a total sycophant and worked to protect Trump. He pardoned his criminal associates. Over 80% of Trump pardons have been for Trump goons.

Donald Trump probably had the most turnover of any administration. And he probably has the most former staffers who are willing to talk shit about him and call him a “fucking moron.” Contributing to his being a bad president (sic), Ivanka and Skinny never quit. From the look of it, Joe Biden might have to physically throw them out of the White House.

He used the presidency to enrich himself. Every foreign diplomat and Trump sycophant booked rooms and events at Trump hotels and resorts. He bilked the Secret Service and charged them to protect him. He only stayed at his resorts, which was charged to the taxpayers. His campaign held events at his resorts, which means money donated to his campaign went to the Trump Organization. He tried to have a world summit awarded to one of crappy golf resorts. His UK ambassador tried to get the British Open awarded to one of his resorts. And on top of all that, he played more golf than, not just any president before him, but more golf than anyone ever.

He spread conspiracy theories and said a lot of stupid stuff. He retweeted Nazis. He was laughed at by foreign leaders and diplomats. He took us out of the Paris Climate Agreement, eager to contribute more to global warming, and ripped up the Iran Nuclear Agreement which made it easier for that nation to acquire a nuclear weapon.

He had an Iranian general murdered. Say what you will about Iranian generals, but we’re not supposed to assassinate people. It’s just bad form.

He embraced dictators. He said he was in love with Kim Jong Un and gave him credibility and respect. He coddled other dictators and strongmen. Mostly, he loved Vladimir Putin. Donald Trump never said one bad word about the guy and when it came down to choosing between America and Putin, he always chose Putin.

And then there were the Nazis. He retweeted Nazis. He retweeted Nazi conspiracy theories and lies. During his debate with Joe Biden, he gave a shout-out to Proud Boys. But worst was Charlottesville where Nazis marched in polo shirts and with tiki torches while chanting “Jews will not replace us” and “Blood and soil” before one of them killed Heather Heyer. Donald Trump said there “good people” on both sides. Do you know who marches with Nazis chanting “Jews will not replace us” and “Blood and soil?” Nazis. And if you stuck with Donald Trump after Charlottesville, you might be a racist.


Andrew Johnson was a bad president but he shouldn’t have been impeached. His crime? He fired members of his cabinet, which every president does. No Democrat voted to impeach. Decades later, the Supreme Court vindicated him. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about receiving oral sex. Five Democrats voted to impeach him. For Trump’s first impeachment, no Republicans voted for it. For his second impeachment (which sounds ridiculous each time I type it), ten Republicans voted for it, and with today’s Republicans, that’s a lot. There were many more who wanted to vote for impeachment but, being Republicans, they’re cowards.

Republicans are upset Trump was impeached twice and with just a week to go in his term. A term that two weeks ago they all said would turn into his second term. These Republicans helped Trump carry the lie until their house was nearly destroyed. And still, they can’t punish the guy.

Was it ridiculous to impeach Trump a second time? Yes, but only because Donald Trump made it impossible for the House not to impeach him. Donald Trump has to be punished beyond being banned from Twitter. Another argument for worst president (sic) ever. He’s the first president to have his phone taken away from him.

We can’t ignore that he incited a terrorist attack on our government. We can’t ignore that he tried to remain in office illegally. We can’t ignore he engineered a coup attempt. We can’t ignore that he tried to destroy our republic to become a fascist dictator.

Before Trump, there were debates over whether George W. Bush was the worst president ever. Historians weighed his performance with the likes of other bad presidents. As soon as Trump was “elected,” everyone stopped talking about Bush being the worst. Now, that debate is over until another extremely bad president come along. A president who will have to be phenomenally worse than Donald Trump for there to be an argument over who’s worst. And if that guy or woman (Ivanka might run) comes along in my lifetime, I’m moving to France.

The debate is over. Its done. Tell the Jim Jordans, Matt Gaetzs, Sean Hannitys, and Tucker Carlsons to go suck a lemon. It is official. Donald Trump is the worst president (sic) in American history.


There is no question that out-and-out racism and a longing to return to the days of white supremacy were high on the list of motivations of the pro-Trump mob that ransacked the Capitol on Jan. 6.

That should not end the discussion about why it happened, though. There are other questions we need to ask that do not (and could never) justify the violence and mayhem but seek instead to help us gain further insight into the lethal force that attacked Congress a week ago and is poised to strike again.

It may sound trivial at first, in light of what happened, but how important is the frustration among what pollsters call non-college white men at not being able to compete with those higher up on the socioeconomic ladder because of educational disadvantage? How critical is declining value in marriage — or mating — markets? Does any of that really matter?

How toxic is the combination of pessimism and anger that stems from a deterioration in standing and authority? What might engender existential despair, this sense of irretrievable loss? How hard is it for any group, whether it is racial, political or ethnic, to come to terms with losing power and status? What encourages desperate behavior and a willingness to believe a pack of lies?

I posed these questions to a wide range of experts. This column explores their replies.

Dozens of people on a terrorist watch list were in Washington for pro-Trump events Jan. 6, a day that ended in a chaotic crime rampage when a violent mob stormed the U.S. Capitol, according to people familiar with evidence gathered in the FBI’s investigation.

The majority of the watch-listed individuals in Washington that day are suspected white supremacists whose past conduct so alarmed investigators that their names had been previously entered into the national Terrorist Screening Database, or TSDB, a massive set of names flagged as potential security risks, these people said. The watch list is larger and separate from the “no-fly” list the government maintains to prevent terrorism suspects from boarding airplanes, and those listed are not automatically barred from any public or commercial spaces, current and former officials said.

The presence of so many watch-listed individuals in one place — without more robust security measures to protect the public — is another example of the intelligence failures preceding last week’s fatal assault that sent lawmakers running for their lives, some current and former law enforcement officials argued. The revelation follows a Washington Post report earlier this week detailing the FBI’s failure to act aggressively on an internal intelligence report of Internet discussions about plans to attack Congress, smash windows, break down doors and “get violent . . . go there ready for war.”

A Queens man who told federal agents he wanted to join the far-right Proud Boys group was charged with a weapons offense on Wednesday after messages he posted on social media around the time of the Capitol riot raised alarms, according to prosecutors and court documents.

The man, Eduard Florea, had been detained late Tuesday after a search of his home turned up an arsenal of over 1,000 rounds of rifle ammunition, two dozen shotgun rounds, 75 military-style combat knives, two hatchets and two swords, prosecutors said. No gun was found.

The arrest of Mr. Florea, a 40-year-old software engineer, came amid an intensifying nationwide manhunt for those who broke into the U.S. Capitol last week as part of a violent rampage by supporters of President Trump who wanted to overturn the election results.

Though Mr. Florea was not one of the numerous people being pursued for participating in the riot, law enforcement officials considered him menacing enough to arrive in an armored vehicle at his home to arrest him.

The U.S. secretary of health and human services, Alex M. Azar II, excoriated China on Thursday for its “bullying of international experts and scientists” and acknowledged for the first time that a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was correct when she warned in February that the novel coronavirus might cause a severe disruption to American lives.

The official, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, was muzzled for nine months after issuing the Feb. 25 warning, which threw the stock market into a nosedive and infuriated President Trump, who was on his way back from India at the time. But she was merely repeating what she had learned from a White House Task Force meeting days earlier, Mr. Azar recalled.

“She got a little ahead of the briefing of the president and the official announcement,” Mr. Azar said. “But she and we were correct.”

Mr. Azar made his comments to the Heritage Foundation, during an online seminar that was billed as a talk about “lessons learned” from the pandemic. He spent much of it describing how China rebuffed offers of help from the United States — and thwarted American efforts to learn more about the virus that has now claimed more than 380,000 American lives.

The United States got its first hint of the novel virus — a case of an unusual pneumonia in Wuhan, China, on Dec. 30, 2019 — from monitoring news reports and through a notification from Taiwan. While American officials tried various tacks to get them to cooperate — including praising China in public as they “pressed them very hard and very firmly in private,” they were unsuccessful, he said.

