Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

President Trump will leave Washington this week politically wounded, silenced on social media and essentially unwelcome in his lifelong hometown of New York.

By migrating instead to Palm Beach, Fla., Trump plans to inhabit an alternate reality of adoration and affirmation. The defeated president will take up residence at his gilded Mar-a-Lago Club, where dues-paying members applaud him whenever he eats meals or mingles on the deck. He is sure to take in the same celebratory fervor whenever he plays golf at one of the two Trump-branded courses nearby.

In Florida — one of only two top battleground states Trump won last November — Trump will be living in a veritable MAGA oasis, to use the acronym for his “Make American Great Again” campaign slogan. South Florida has fast become a hub of right-wing power brokers and media characters, and some of Trump’s adult children are making plans to move to the area.

Even as Trump broods privately over his second impeachment last week and the election he continues to falsely insist he won, his aides are at work to establish a Trump fiefdom in the Sunshine State aimed at maintaining his influence over Republican politics, according to allies and advisers, some of whom requested anonymity to reveal internal discussions.

Trump is leaving office with his popularity at one of the lowest points of his presidency. Just 38 percent of Americans approve of his job performance and 60 percent disapprove, according to (a Washington Post-ABC News poll) conducted after the Capitol attack and released on Friday. The survey found that 15 percent said Trump would be remembered by history as an “outstanding” president, while 48 percent said he would be remembered as “poor” and 11 percent as “below average.”