Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

TrumpTeam are a sorry/pathetic bunch of scum.
It makes me sick to see this country fall for trumps bullshit. All he wants is power. He couldn't care less how he gets it. He will not go easy either. If he isn't impeached first he will call his supporters to riot after he loses the election, and it will not be a peaceful transfer of power.

Trump sucks.
It makes me sick to see this country fall for trumps bullshit. All he wants is power. He couldn't care less how he gets it. He will not go easy either. If he isn't impeached first he will call his supporters to riot after he loses the election, and it will not be a peaceful transfer of power.

Trump sucks.
Peaceful transfer of power. Haven't seen one of those in a few years.
In France's presidential election yesterday, turnout was 74 percent. That's France's lowest voter turnout for a presidential election since 1969. To put things in perspective—a turnout of 74 percent would be the highest turnout in America since 1896! We have a lot of catching up to do. Imagine what our turnout could be if Republicans stopped trying to suppress the vote. Imagine what it could be if we established Election Day as a national holiday so that everyone has the opportunity to vote. We should not be satisfied with a “democracy” in which more than 60 percent of our people don’t vote.....
It makes me sick to see this country fall for trumps bullshit. All he wants is power. He couldn't care less how he gets it. He will not go easy either. If he isn't impeached first he will call his supporters to riot after he loses the election, and it will not be a peaceful transfer of power.

Trump sucks.

I could see him being dragged off in cuffs screaming "burn this mother to the ground"
Lol I didn't even hear about this. Can't believe people are so surprised though, incest joke about them are a daily thing. He did this to himself with his comments about his own daughter. Would you tell people your daughter had a great body (even if she did) and that you would date her?
I certainly wouldn't with all the antifas and liberal haters twisting my words to suit their own sick minds while dressing as vaginas.
I certainly wouldn't with all the antifas and liberal haters twisting my words to suit their own sick minds while dressing as vaginas.

If Trump or my best friend was constantly making comments about his own daughter I would still be like "wtf man" I had a buddy a long time ago always saying weird shit to his sister (she was hot) and we all looked at him like he would fuck her if he could.
That headline makes it seems as if the "Trump team" has lost control of Trump?!?!?! lol o_O FAKE NEWS :p
He is out of control, and he always has been. His arrogance is what will be the end of him. If he realises his tax returns there will be enough there to impeach him.

He should have sold his businesses if he wanted to be the leader of the free world so bad. Conflicts of interest are every where with his family and inlaws.
Lol I didn't even hear about this. Can't believe people are so surprised though, incest jokes about them are a daily thing. He did this to himself with his comments about his own daughter. Would you tell people your daughter had a great body (even if she did) and that you would date her?
Trump isn't all thete. I can't imagine any father saying he would date his daughter. He should be content with euro trash.
He should have sold his businesses if he wanted to be the leader of the free world so bad. Conflicts of interest are every where with his family and inlaws.
In Trumps defense past Presidents never had to(sell businesses) if I'm not mistaken? (Bush Sr & Jr)
How is it that anyone who voted for barrack obam twice could even have the balls to criticize republicans on healthcare or national debt let alone anything else. If you voted for obama you just can't be taken seriously on some of these issues. Let it go... your only embarrassing yourself.