Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You mean they'll act like libs, dress as vaginas, wail and cry, repost endless twitter articles 24hrs a dayn etc? Nah I doubt it.
Looks like I was correct. These same mental midgets that elected the buffoon are going to wail and cry like a post menopausal vagina with no lube.
Comey had his chance, his time is up
he couldn't find any proof that "Russian hacking changed the election outcome" (because they didn't)
Trump walked away mostly unharmed

Now it's time for Clintons to be scrutinized
their time is now

they are freaking out as Comey:
1 blocked all Clinton foundation investigations
2 Pushed "Trump-Russia" probe to the limit
3 conveniently leaked info to Fake News media

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now

about time he fired comey. there is no doubt that if hillary was elected comey wouldn't have lasted a day. a year of investigations and still nothing found linking trump to russia. trump gave comey ample time to investigate. funny how democrats hated comey and wanted to see him gone and now that he's gone democrats and the liberal media are spinning their rhetoric like this is a crime against humanity.
Comey had his chance, his time is up
he couldn't find any proof that "Russian hacking changed the election outcome" (because they didn't)
Trump walked away mostly unharmed

Now it's time for Clintons to be scrutinized
their time is now

they are freaking out as Comey:
1 blocked all Clinton foundation investigations
2 Pushed "Trump-Russia" probe to the limit
3 conveniently leaked info to Fake News media

Your time is up, my time is now
You can't see me, my time is now

Oh yeah!!!

An ethics lawyer who served in George W. Bush's White House is calling on Congress to investigate President Trump's abrupt dismissal on Tuesday of FBI Director James Comey. Richard Painter tells Rolling Stone the surprise move is a clear-cut abuse of power.

"We cannot tolerate this – for the president to be firing people who are investigating him and his campaign and its collusion with the Russians," Painter says. "It's a lot worse than Watergate. Watergate was a third-rate burglary. It was purely domestic in nature. This situation involves Russian espionage, and we've got to find out who is collaborating."