TST-Bold-Stan cycle


New Member
I am 5 weeks into my cycle Testosterone mix - 1200mg/week Boldenone - 750 mg/week Stanozolol - 50mg/day. Anastrozol - 2mg/week.

The blood test turned out like this :

Everything is quite fine except Cholesterol, which is understandable since Stanozolol has a negative influence on it.

Rather, he is suffering from quite low testosterone. At a dose of 1200 mg, I expected 100 to 120 nmol/l.
Do you think that testosterone is underestimated or something distorts my true testosterone level? I use testosterone with a concentration of 400mg/ml
no, Boldenone and Stanozolol is from Driada. My strength went up and I feel good. Stan and Bold definitely works. Only the TST is probably undersized.
no, Boldenone and Stanozolol is from Driada. My strength went up and I feel good. Stan and Bold definitely works. Only the TST is probably undersized.

I don't know how much nmol is to ng/dl but you're not much higher from the ref range, this could translate to a 200-250mg test per week. With 1200 you should be way way higher.

On the other hand, if your test was underdosed and you're taking 2mg anastrozole with 750mg boldenone which in many people reduces estrogen by itself, your e2 should be nonexistent.

BUT, since your test is probably ECLIA and not high sensitive, we can only speculate. There's much stuff going on here and in your case i would do a high sensitivity estradiol and also check free test and SHBG. Or you can switch test source and check again in one month.
Time to ask for replacement if you still trust your source, but definitely order a new vial of testosterone brother.