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IMO it's garbage. Wife took it for 2 weeks daily and didn't notice fuck all. I know I don't have bloods to back it up but as a female you would definitely notice something after two weeks at 20mg of legit anavar.

damn that’s a shame, I ran his superdrol at the end of my last cycle and I didn’t feel much from it but I figured since I’d already been running test for ages I was already saturated with water and glycogen which meant the Sdrol didn’t work, so I guess that stuff is bunk as well, only his test seems legit
IMO it's garbage. Wife took it for 2 weeks daily and didn't notice fuck all. I know I don't have bloods to back it up but as a female you would definitely notice something after two weeks at 20mg of legit anavar.
Yup its trash, i got some too, i think the whole line of iron pharma is trash. I would just toss away and eat the loss
damn that’s a shame, I ran his superdrol at the end of my last cycle and I didn’t feel much from it but I figured since I’d already been running test for ages I was already saturated with water and glycogen which meant the Sdrol didn’t work, so I guess that stuff is bunk as well, only his test seems legit
Bro superdrol is something you definitely notice when using, the shit was probably trash. Now idk about opiox but i got some doubts might toss it away also.
I would just start using some trusted brand, i got some boldenone but i will probably trash it

yeah i will do once Ive used up what i have from him coz id still be interested on what the bloods come back as.
What i will say though is, I've been using the Kigtropin I ordered from him and I am experiencing the expected side effects, in particular crazy vivid nightmares almost every single night, some water retention in my hands and ankle area, as well as a bit of numbness in my hands. I have zero bloods to back that up though.
Hate to bring this thread back to the top here but I need to share my horrible fuckin experience with opiox test e. 1ml in the glute, went as planned, normal another day type of shit, next day had a big ol knot. No heat so wasn’t worried. Day 2-5 no redness but small amount of heat but swelled up like a fuckin balloon. Painful to the touch, painful to walk or sit. Day 6-7 swelling subsided still have a nice knot there, small amount of pinching type pain but had me pretty nervous for a few days that the gear was contaminated. Now I’m wondering, since typically I use sesame or gso this was the first time I’ve used mct if I just had a reaction to the oil. Either way won’t be using this junk and in the trash it’ll go. Some of the more experienced guys, what’s your thoughts here?
yeah i will do once Ive used up what i have from him coz id still be interested on what the bloods come back as.
What i will say though is, I've been using the Kigtropin I ordered from him and I am experiencing the expected side effects, in particular crazy vivid nightmares almost every single night, some water retention in my hands and ankle area, as well as a bit of numbness in my hands. I have zero bloods to back that up though.
So side effects mean you have good growth hormone? No. I fail to understand why so many people equate side effects with a quality product. GH is about the only medication that people do this with. Kigtropins haven’t been good for years, since kamikaze was over on PM.
Questions??? So I guess the opiox dbol is garbage and the iron pharma gear is under dosed or fake. I used iron pharma Tren ace and I had Sustanon and I didn't gain any strength or muscle mass. I know real tren because I can't fucking sleep or my sleep is broken and i feel like a zombie and God at the same time and pretty much iratated over small shit. None of the sides I felt, so what going on not g2g?
Anyone else get a mass string email from this guy, with like a hundred other fuckin people on it, and now lists rec shit. Is there a way I can get myself off that email?
So is the issue only with HGH?? i remember i bought several Test E from him, iran hormone, sent it out for testing to jano and everything came back on point, replied to e mail very quickly and very kind, i have also always questioned those 2 brands iron and opiox i would not buy either one of them
what the fuck happened with this source? I used his Opiox test & tren, Opiox is bunk? that's weird..

He announced to send to lab for testing 4 different products:

Tren A opiox
Test c opiox
Test E iron pharma
Test E Iran hormone

Then he shared just 2 lab reports:

Test Iran hormone come back ok
Test c opiox come back 221 mg instead of 250 mg

Obviously he has hidden the others two lab reports because the products come back underdosed or bunk.

When @TNotch347 ask him to share all the lab reports he answered swearing and saying “I'm done with you, fuck you and meso”

now it's completely gone from here.

no problem for us. One less scammer.
He announced to send to lab for testing 4 different products:

Tren A opiox
Test c opiox
Test E iron pharma
Test E Iran hormone

Then he shared just 2 lab reports:

Test Iran hormone come back ok
Test c opiox come back 221 mg instead of 250 mg

Obviously he has hidden the others two lab reports because the products come back underdosed or bunk.

When @TNotch347 ask him to share all the lab reports he answered swearing and saying “I'm done with you, fuck you and meso”

now it's completely gone from here.

no problem for us. One less scammer.
shit... i used his opiox it seemed legit. always considered opiox to be good to go so that's weird.

if u remember i did report opiox tren e had different colors from the same batch vials, also opiox orals had different shapes from same winstrol bag (round & rectangular). i provided pics for all that few months ago.