The most anabolic hormone is OTC but rimobolan is on prescription.
In USA you can buy AK-47 in some states but not roids. That is strange
In the US you can get an AK-47 anywhere if you know the right people. Fucking retarded. Then certain states have their ridiculous gun laws. While these fucking wanna tough guy thugs go around terrorizing people.
Add the government has the audacity to complain about steroids.
My theory is the government is responsible for many of these fully auto weapons on the streets. My next theory is the government floods the ghettos with all this shit. Guns, drugs so that they can kill themselves. Population control.
Yet these idiots in the streets scream government this government that, but fail to recognize the government is doing things so that they can kill themselves.
Don't get me wrong I'm a vet and I joined the army because we were attacked. Which I also feel was the government had some involvement. This was personal. I'm was born and raised in New York. And I'm third generation Army combat vet. My son is joining when he graduates.
I support my fellow Americans, my battle buddies on the battle field. And if I can have a small part in eliminating those assholes I was all for it.
Then the make steroids out to be this fucking horrible thing. Yes it can be dangerous. That's why we educate our selves and use responsibly.
Steroids aren't any worse than cigarettes alcohol. But the government hasn't found a way to tax steroids or marijuana yet. Bottom the government is a corrupt entity.
Sorry about that rant over.