Two different colors of Benzyl Benzoate??


New Member
Mam dwa benzoesany benzylu. Ten po lewej stronie jest całkowicie przezroczysty, tego po lewej używam i jest tak jak widać na zdjęciu. Czy bezbarwny jest taki sam? Skąd taka różnica w kolorze?EO 2.jpgEO 2.jpg
Very first thing I would do is not do anything with the one on the right. Hope is just leaching from some other container
my pharma grade bought in europe benzyl benzoate is colorless

Benzyl benzoate is colorless

It should come in a glass bottle not plastic container. At least if you don’t buy it from a pharmaceutical company
So I bought it from a pharmaceutical manufacturer. I did many things on it and all of them were ok. Now a new BB has arrived, but it's colorless, that's why I'm asking....