Type-IIx's Coaching: Results from ovmmds, kain

**New** **Gear, Growth, and Gains Podcast** **Ep. 008**

View: https://youtu.be/l1GTajhAxRU

View: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7b1l9YGnXZuleBWl3QS1RS

Podbean: Ep. 008: AI Comparison between Aromasin vs. Arimidex; Masteron (Mast) vs. Primobolan (Primo); Coach's Corner: Feeling and Using the Back in Exercises | Type-IIx: Gear, Growth, and Gains

Title Type-IIx's Gear, Growth, and Gains: Ep. 008: AI Comparison between Aromasin (Asin) vs. Arimidex (Adex); Masteron (Mast) vs. Primobolan (Primo); Coach's Corner: Cues and Modifications to Emphasize Different Back Muscles

Runtime 23 min

Synopsis Type-IIx discusses the clear winner (Aromasin) between the AIs Aromasin and Arimidex, including a concise explanation of what suicide inhibition means, and why Aromasin is best. Then, in the next section, Masteron (Mast) is compared to Primobolan (Primo; Rimobolan; Rimos), and it too is the clear winner here. Tangentially, the AI atamestane is discussed, albeit merely to point out its total irrelevance to the topic since it is not any sort of metabolite of either drug despite claims to the contrary! Finally, cues and modifications for back exercises like rows, pulldowns, pull-ups, shrugs, et cetera are discussed. A YouTube video will follow demonstrating different shrug variations for maximally growing the trapezius (upper, middle, and lower segments).

Features Type-IIx

Topics anabolic steroids, steroids, AI, AAS, Primo, Primobolan, Rimobolan, Rimos, Mast, EQ, atamestane, Arimidex, anastrozole, suicide inhibition, suicide inhibitors, Aromasin, exemestane, bodybuilding, training cues, enhanced bodybuilding, supplements, training, weight training, exercise

Kurt Havens, Ph.D. candidate's claim that atamestane is a potential intermediate metabolite to explain antiestrogenic effects in Primo v.s. Mast "Advanced Discussion"
**New** **Gear, Growth, and Gains Podcast** **Ep. 008**

View: https://youtu.be/l1GTajhAxRU

View: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7b1l9YGnXZuleBWl3QS1RS

Podbean: Ep. 008: AI Comparison between Aromasin vs. Arimidex; Masteron (Mast) vs. Primobolan (Primo); Coach's Corner: Feeling and Using the Back in Exercises | Type-IIx: Gear, Growth, and Gains

Title Type-IIx's Gear, Growth, and Gains: Ep. 008: AI Comparison between Aromasin (Asin) vs. Arimidex (Adex); Masteron (Mast) vs. Primobolan (Primo); Coach's Corner: Cues and Modifications to Emphasize Different Back Muscles

Runtime 23 min

Synopsis Type-IIx discusses the clear winner (Aromasin) between the AIs Aromasin and Arimidex, including a concise explanation of what suicide inhibition means, and why Aromasin is best. Then, in the next section, Masteron (Mast) is compared to Primobolan (Primo; Rimobolan; Rimos), and it too is the clear winner here. Tangentially, the AI atamestane is discussed, albeit merely to point out its total irrelevance to the topic since it is not any sort of metabolite of either drug despite claims to the contrary! Finally, cues and modifications for back exercises like rows, pulldowns, pull-ups, shrugs, et cetera are discussed. A YouTube video will follow demonstrating different shrug variations for maximally growing the trapezius (upper, middle, and lower segments).

Features Type-IIx

Topics anabolic steroids, steroids, AI, AAS, Primo, Primobolan, Rimobolan, Rimos, Mast, EQ, atamestane, Arimidex, anastrozole, suicide inhibition, suicide inhibitors, Aromasin, exemestane, bodybuilding, training cues, enhanced bodybuilding, supplements, training, weight training, exercise

Kurt Havens, Ph.D. candidate's claim that atamestane is a potential intermediate metabolite to explain antiestrogenic effects in Primo v.s. Mast "Advanced Discussion"

I'm very happy with Aromasin. IMO it's especially important to use pharma here than risk crashing E2 by using UGL tabs with their frequent wild variances. Plenty of high quality, inexpensive options from India or Turkish pharma vendors.