Type-IIx's Gear, Growth, and Gains: Episode 003: Bolus Update; Stacking: Principles and Strategies; Why T3 Sucks; MENT's Unique Features


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Sahp brothas!

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TitleBolus Update, Stacking Principles and Examples of Combination Strategies, Why T3 Sucks for Cutting, and MENT's Unique Features
Runtime15 min
SynopsisI. Bolus: Practically Ready to Ship!
II. Stacking AAS: Principles of Rational Cycle Design and Combination Strategies, with Examples
III. Why T3 Sucks for Cutting
IV. MENT's Unique Features
TopicsBolus, AAS, RhGH, trenbolone, testosterone, stanozolol (Winstrol), dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (Oral Turinabol; OT), oxymetholone (Anadrol), tolerability, efficacy, CVD risk, estrogenicity, androgenicity, T3, muscle size, hypertrophy

Listening to the awesome podcast was a delightful experience while I cleaned up the gym. I'm incredibly excited about the book; it's hard to express just how much. The podcast moves at a great pace and always leaves you wanting more. Fantastic entertainment and education. Thank you.