UGL and Pharma Grade

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I personally rely on UGL gear, I want to know if anyone gets Pharma grade for cycles, and I'm not talking TRT, but actual cycles. Because I don't think it's possible, but if it is, that's cool, but I want to see a percentage per say on how many people actually have access to Pharma Grade gear. This meaning like test, deca, eq, tren, mast, var, etc, pct and ancillaries are different.
I personally rely on UGL gear, I want to know if anyone gets Pharma grade for cycles, and I'm not talking TRT, but actual cycles. Because I don't think it's possible, but if it is, that's cool, but I want to see a percentage per say on how many people actually have access to Pharma Grade gear. This meaning like test, deca, eq, tren, mast, var, etc, pct and ancillaries are different.
Access to pharm grade gear is entirely possible. Not even an issue other than the price.
What the fuck are eluding to or asking?
Yup pharma is surely possible,how deep are your pockets is the question.
Yup pharma is surely possible,how deep are your pockets is the question.

Like domestic, or are we talking Mexico stuff? I can get a bottle of test for $35, and that's cheap and it's good stuff.. is it worth it for pharmagrade
Yea this is 2nd thread tonight I am not quite sure to make about it. It's like you are phishing for info.

I'm not asking for suppliers at all, I have a supplier that I like. I was just wondering the prevalence of pharmagrade gear. I didn't think you could get it because of laws... but no, I'm not asking for info, just your input :)
He wants to rest easy. If he is told that pharma gear is possible to get then he's going to constantly wonder what if. Kinda like that girl you almost fucked in high school. If he is told that pharma gear is impossible to get then his search is over. Like I said he can rest easy
There's actually a few that are impossible to find pharmaceutically as they aren't produced anymore, or aren't produced for humans (Tren). Unless you're receiving antiretroviral therapy and or have severe muscle muscle wasting or other extreme condition chances are the most you'll ever experience is pharmaceutical grade testosterone
lots of folks hord their pharma TRT test while supplementing with UGL Test. Then they blast once enough pharma test is saved up