Underdosed Test E??? (Bloods)


New Member
Just got the results from my bloodwork from last week, and I'm worried my test e is underdosed. I got my blood drawn about 36 hours after my third pin, and my total testosterone is at 1500 ng/dl (normal range = 348-1097 ng/dl). My tested natural test (pardon the pun) is 450 ng/dl.

Cycle details:
- 500mg/week (1cc Sun AM, 1cc Wed PM) for 12 weeks
- 0.5mg arimidex e3d
- Have nolva/clomid for pct (nolva 20/20/20/20; clomid 50/50/50/50 - 2 weeks after last pin)

So far I've noticed oily skin and increased libido.

My question is: should I up the dose to 3cc/week, or is it too early to assume my gear is underdosed?
Just got the results from my bloodwork from last week, and I'm worried my test e is underdosed. I got my blood drawn about 36 hours after my third pin, and my total testosterone is at 1500 ng/dl (normal range = 348-1097 ng/dl). My tested natural test (pardon the pun) is 450 ng/dl.

Cycle details:
- 500mg/week (1cc Sun AM, 1cc Wed PM) for 12 weeks
- 0.5mg arimidex e3d
- Have nolva/clomid for pct (nolva 20/20/20/20; clomid 50/50/50/50 - 2 weeks after last pin)

So far I've noticed oily skin and increased libido.

My question is: should I up the dose to 3cc/week, or is it too early to assume my gear is underdosed?

How far in to the cycle were you at the time of testing?
It was ~36 hours after my third pin, so about 8 days into my cycle.

As for the capped test theory, I'm not sure. They read me my results over the phone, and the nurse said everything was in normal range. That's when I asked for a number for my testosterone level. I figured she'd express at least an inkling of concern if my test was too high. My results are being mailed to me, when I get them I will see if it says whether it's capped.
Bumping this. Got my fifth pin tomorrow night, need to know if I should load up the needle with 1.5cc's or stick with 1.
Well just in case it is capped, where can I get an uncapped test? I'd like to know my exact levels.

Also, I just find it odd that the nurse didn't bat an eye at my levels. She said it was "a little out of range". 1500 is almost 40% higher than the upper limit of the range!
stick with 1ml for now. i can almost guarantee the test is capped, and 3rd pin in on a long ester is nowhere near saturated to make an accurate descion to adjust... source?
If your only 8 days in u won't be able to tell if it's legit yet. I'd keep the dose at 500mg, weight until about week 5, and if ur still not seeing results, get an uncapped blood test and u'll know for sure.

No need to bump it up until that time period. By then if ur not i'd bump it up, but if u do now and say the test is 100% legit u might get some bad sides u don't need or want.

just my opinion.
A capped reading of 1500 is still "high" and not normal as the receptionist stated. The results should have indicated as "high" regardless of capped or not and for her to claim all was normal was wrong of her.
Thanks for all the replies so far, guys. I'm starting to feel a little more confident about the gear now. I will get bloods done again in 3 weeks, just need to find an uncapped test. Spent 30 min on the phone with LabCorp, and no one there knew whether their test is capped.

For now I will stick with 1 cc injections.

I'm hesitant to disclose my source rn due to the nature of this thread. Don't want people assuming the lab's gear is bunk based off the thread title.
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Wait till at least 4 weeks in and order an LCMS test from private MD to get an accurate reading. Draw blood ~48 hours from last pin to see peak levels approximately.
Bumping this - finally got my results!! That nurse either had no idea how to interpret blood work, or she just didn't give a shit (the latter is probably true lol).

Anyway, you guys were right - capped test. The results clearly indicate test levels of >1500 ng/dl. Now I just have to find a lab that'll give me my actual numbers.


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Your gear is probably fine. Your testing protocol for enanthate is way off, going from 400s to cap in 8 days is a good sign.

