University of Birmingham Research Study


Researchers from the University of Birmingham, funded by the Economic Social Research Council, are conducting a study looking at psychological factors accompanying the use of anabolic steroids within strength training communities. If you are male/female, over the age of 18, have used anabolic steroids in the last 12-months, and are interested, please feel free to click here to learn more and/or to take part.

The study involves completion of three short anonymous daily surveys (2-3 minutes), across three independent 12-day periods. The study will also require the completion of a slightly longer anonymous survey (5-10 minutes) at the beginning and end of each 12-day period. Daily surveys will be sent out via a free mobile phone application, whilst the slightly longer surveys will be emailed to participants and completed anonymously online. The mobile application does not have a GPS device or any means of identifying you, therefore your anonymity is maintained throughout. Use of an email address will enable the research to send you a direct link to the app, therefore no mobile numbers are required. No information will be collected that will enable responses to be traced back to you.

We are utilising this type of protocol to compare similarities/differences between data collected across a longitudinal timeframe and feedback the information gathered to harm reduction in order to produce services specific to those who use anabolics.

We understand that this is an intensive study, but we need to collect data frequently and in natural environments to properly understand psychological factors that influence – and are influenced by – anabolic steroid use. To make it less intrusive, we will send out notifications for the daily surveys at times that suit your day-to-day lifestyle. Participants with completion rates of 80% or more will be entered into a prize draw for a £50 Amazon voucher.
Thank you to all who have taken part so far, for those who are interested the study will remain open until December.
Thank you again to all those who have taken part in this study. We really appreciate your help with this project. If anyone else would like to take part, please see the original post or click here to see the participant information sheet and/or to take part. Thank you.