USC Med School Department Chair Ruth Wood: Steroids Caused Omar Mateen to Commit Mass Murder

This is the same thing as blaming guns for mass killings. Politicians find it easier to blame and ban an object instead of solving the real problem of mental health in society.
This is the same thing as blaming guns for mass killings. Politicians find it easier to blame and ban an object instead of solving the real problem of mental health in society.
Exactly, politicians are not that bright and they are all talk no brains.
What's sad is that based on her title, this woman is probably a respected member of the medical community.

She is a disgrace to her field to promote this bullshit with no facts.

Subject used steroids, subject killed a lot of people- Steroids caused subject to kill people is the exact same thing as saying subject drinks milk, subject killed a lot of people- milk caused subject to kill people.

Isn't the first thing you're taught when doing scientific research is that correlation is not causation? I mean I know that and I'm of average intelligence and I don't have a phd.

Just another dumb cunt looking for a headline. It's sad really.
And here we go again blaming steroids for making people kill. :rolleyes:

Sounds like liberals and guns - those inanimate objects with supernatural powers.

Maybe females think about the monthly insanity sessions that many of them go through? Not knowing that the goal of testosterone dosing is to create really even levels of test.
Ruth Wood, chair of the department of cell and neurobiology at USC’s Keck School of Medicine, studies the effects of anabolic steroids on brain and behavior.

This would the the kind of article one would get from someone competing for research dollars. It is politically correct to shout AAS hysteria. And, imperative economically. She is a PhD, which makes obtaining dollars that more difficult. I expect her career to rest on this crap.