Using alcohol to help with Tren insomnia is it hurting my gains.

Yeah, life extension experts and drs are ignorant, ok. Benadryl everyday is good for you though, really? Alcohol metabolizes pretty quickly so it MIGHT have a mild effect on growth hormone release.For most people it won't matter much.

Life extension experts...? How about you provide references like I did where doctors say it's healthy for you to consume alcohol on a daily basis and then maybe we'll take you seriously. I never said you should take benadryl on a daily basis; I said sometimes, meaning not often and definitely not every day. If you're not supplementing with exogenous HGH any amount that you do secret is vital for bodybuilding. Here's another point of reference about alcohol and muscle nutrition and it's effects on HGH; Alcohol consumption and hormonal alterations related to muscle hypertrophy: a review | Nutrition & Metabolism | Full Text . That talks about the effects of alcohol in protein synthesis and the effects on hormones in your body. Read it, you might learn something.
Alcohol can make problems of insomina even worse. Try this with some L tryptophan.
Life extension experts...? How about you provide references like I did where doctors say it's healthy for you to consume alcohol on a daily basis and then maybe we'll take you seriously. I never said you should take benadryl on a daily basis; I said sometimes, meaning not often and definitely not every day. If you're not supplementing with exogenous HGH any amount that you do secret is vital for bodybuilding. Here's another point of reference about alcohol and muscle nutrition and it's effects on HGH; Alcohol consumption and hormonal alterations related to muscle hypertrophy: a review | Nutrition & Metabolism | Full Text . That talks about the effects of alcohol in protein synthesis and the effects on hormones in your body. Read it, you might learn something.

That study doesn't cover 2 drinks a day still which is low dose. Your study says any alcohol dose below 1.5g/kg actually INCREASES testosterone blood concentrations. 2 drinks a day is 28g which is way below that threshold. I'll agree to learn something if you agree to read studies before you post them. Thanks.
That study doesn't cover 2 drinks a day still which is low dose. Your study says any alcohol dose below 1.5g/kg actually INCREASES testosterone blood concentrations. 2 drinks a day is 28g which is way below that threshold. I'll agree to learn something if you agree to read studies before you post them. Thanks.

Good at least you can read. Did you realize that that will only very slightly increase your natural testosterone concentration? Besides if your taking AAS this doesn't help at all since all of your testosterone is being provided externally so your point is moot. You conveniently left our the rest of the study which clearly states that daily alcohol consumption is detrimental to muscle protein synthesis, HGH release and hormone balance throughout the body.
Just so you know, I'm not advocating drinking, especially on cycle. I'm just saying 2 drinks a day won't affect you health or gains. Yeah, I read pretty well for the most part. I also understand that drinking won't affect your test levels on cycle only natty production. I still don't understand why people take a condescending tone so quickly. It's a sign of a weak personality I guess....
Good at least you can read. Did you realize that that will only very slightly increase your natural testosterone concentration? Besides if your taking AAS this doesn't help at all since all of your testosterone is being provided externally so your point is moot. You conveniently left our the rest of the study which clearly states that daily alcohol consumption is detrimental to muscle protein synthesis, HGH release and hormone balance throughout the body.

You also clearly left out the part about alcohol intoxication is what primarily causes issues according to this study and moderate dose of alcohol, about 2 drinks, only SLIGHTLY affects protein synthesis rates.

You should probably re-read the GH part bc it clearly is mixed evidence. Nothing is 100%
I'm currently running a Test E and Tren E cycle. Running 1 gram test and 400mg tren weekly. Having a hell of a time getting to sleep with 5 to 6 hrs of sleep a night if I'm lucky. I've found that if I take a couple of shots of alcohol an hour before bedtime it really helps my sleep cycle and gives me a much deeper sleep. My question, is the alcohol hindering the gains or is it not really a big deal. Thanks for the advice.
Jerkoff then take a hot bath. If sex is an option, that's preferable. Trust me.
Just so you know, I'm not advocating drinking, especially on cycle. I'm just saying 2 drinks a day won't affect you health or gains. Yeah, I read pretty well for the most part. I also understand that drinking won't affect your test levels on cycle only natty production. I still don't understand why people take a condescending tone so quickly. It's a sign of a weak personality I guess....

It's not condescending bro, I just know what I'm talking about because I've researched it before; it's not having a weak personality, it's about being confident in what your saying.

Sorry to high jack your thread @Meathead , hope the info helps.
That's a terrible idea to drink to go to sleep. IMO, tren isn't for everyone and it sounds like the sides of it are a bit much for you. Maybe try playing with how much tren you are taking a week. 400 is a lot for some people. Try maybe 250 a week.
It's not condescending bro, I just know what I'm talking about because I've researched it before; it's not having a weak personality, it's about being confident in what your saying.

Sorry to high jack your thread @Meathead , hope the info helps.

Uh, yeah, but you were WRONG about some of it sir. You need to read your study again. The condescending label fits, wear it.
Alcohol interferes with REM sleep in a dose dependent manner and it also inhibits protein anabolism.
Drinking never helped me sleep well unless I passed out. Then I wake up hung over.
Thanks for all the good advice. I'm going to drop my gear down a little bit from 1g and 400mg to 750mg and 300mg and see if that makes a difference. I also picked up some benadryl for the tough nights. I was never comfortable with drinking daily it was just something that was helping. When I do drink I do it for the buzz and like to save it for when I need to let loose:p. I guess I need to find the sweet spot for me with aas and sleep. Thanks for the help I think I pretty much new the answer whether alcohol was any good for the body in any respects.
I've got a question!! When I pin comp-th I get this rush and I feel a weird sensation in my throat!! Please try not to beat me up to much on that!!!! But seriously!! I've never done tren much less comp before!! It's Stanfords btw! I'm only doing 50ml eod and it feels like that effect is worsening???
I've never felt anything directly after pinning are you aspirating your syringe before injecting. I think if you feel something directly after injecting it probably has gotten directly into your blood. I maybe wrong?
I've got a question!! When I pin comp-th I get this rush and I feel a weird sensation in my throat!! Please try not to beat me up to much on that!!!! But seriously!! I've never done tren much less comp before!! It's Stanfords btw! I'm only doing 50ml eod and it feels like that effect is worsening???
It's typical with tren. Sometimes you feel like your mouth fills up with ether. Strange stuff, but very effective.
I really don't understand how any bodybuilder can condone alcohol consumption at all, not to mention on cycle usage. It's just not conducive to this lifestyle. You've gotten more than enough information on alternatives and consequences of use so I'm not gonna repeat what's been said. I'm just shocked at how many people responded that way.
I really don't understand how any bodybuilder can condone alcohol consumption at all, not to mention on cycle usage. It's just not conducive to this lifestyle. You've gotten more than enough information on alternatives and consequences of use so I'm not gonna repeat what's been said. I'm just shocked at how many people responded that way.

It's probably due to the fact that alcohol usage, in moderation, is just like everything else....perfectly fine.