Using alcohol to help with Tren insomnia is it hurting my gains.

I guess I'm also biased. I have the addict personality. And I can't stop once started. So I just avoid all substances. And I can say for sure that I grew bigger, quicker, than I did drinking or using recreational drugs. But it could also be that I changed my whole lifestyle, training harder, eating cleaner, and sleeping more. I don't know. I just got taken aback reading this thread. Reading this out it makes sense for some I guess
I guess I'm also biased. I have the addict personality. And I can't stop once started. So I just avoid all substances. And I can say for sure that I grew bigger, quicker, than I did drinking or using recreational drugs. But it could also be that I changed my whole lifestyle, training harder, eating cleaner, and sleeping more. I don't know. I just got taken aback reading this thread. Reading this out it makes sense for some I guess

If you have the addict behavior then it is probably best to avoid things completely that trigger it. For those that don't have it and can control their usage, it's fine.
That's what I do. If it wasn't for the gym and some really good friends id probably still be in the same place I was 6 years ago. Sometimes I forget we are all different. And have different backgrounds. But. Sorry to get so off topic.
That's what I do. If it wasn't for the gym and some really good friends id probably still be in the same place I was 6 years ago. Sometimes I forget we are all different. And have different backgrounds. But. Sorry to get so off topic.
I agree with you. I was born with the addictive personality gene like the rest of my family. Luckily I never even tried any drugs or else I'd most likely still be there. I know if i tried them id like them to much to stop. Lost a LOT of family to drugs or alcohol or both. Overdoses seem to be a common thing. My brother and I are the only males left in the family now. I don't know where your coming from as far having a prior drug history but my dad use to say " You gotta be stronger then the drug you use."

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Alcohol halts protein synthesis. Your body directs its attention to metabolic the alcohol.

Regardless of what you're injecting into your body, you're "hurting your gains, bro" when you slam down beers


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Thanks for all the good advice. I'm going to drop my gear down a little bit from 1g and 400mg to 750mg and 300mg and see if that makes a difference. I also picked up some benadryl for the tough nights. I was never comfortable with drinking daily it was just something that was helping. When I do drink I do it for the buzz and like to save it for when I need to let loose:p. I guess I need to find the sweet spot for me with aas and sleep. Thanks for the help I think I pretty much new the answer whether alcohol was any good for the body in any respects.
I would bet money that your tren dose is fine but you added way too much test. Drop your test to 300- 350mg a week just below your tren dose.

Being an E ester it will take 2 weeks to balance out.
Haven't read all the posts. But terrible idea. I've loved and lost so many times trying to combat tren with other substances.

For me, I need sleep.

I like tp and npp with winny for 8 weeks, works...