Valkyrie Pharma Trenbolone E200 - HPLC-UV - 2016-04 - SIMEC via

Valkyrie Pharmaceutical Trenbolone E200 was determined to have actual content of 250.4 mg/ml trenbolone enanthate.

Steroid analytics courtesy of Valkyrie Pharmaceutical Trenbolone E200 Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab

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View media item 922

I wanted to order from them and was really close, but saw alot of bad reviews saying under dosed. Isn't 50mg over stated a sign of inconsistencies. Would like to see more reviews and lab test.
I'll vouch for them - underfilling vials then giving the red ass for mentioning it. There's a ton of labs out there and finding one more consistent shouldn't be too hard.
. Maybe some guys will get a hard on thinking more is better but if it can be that far off the label going over what think it can't be that much off going under next time?

Yeah, I like to have my cycles pretty well figured out. I want to take this much a week not 150mg over or under.
. Maybe some guys will get a hard on thinking more is better but if it can be that far off the label going over what think it can't be that much off going under next time?

Yeah, I like to have my cycles pretty well figured out. I want to take this much a week not 150mg over or under.
Overdosed is better than underdosed, BUT to be over dosed by 25% is a red flag to me especially with tren. + or - 5% is what I want.

Did they overdosed on purpose?
Do they know how to do math?
Overdosed is better than underdosed,
'Fraid not. Someone on a strict protocol pushing it to the limits will be 25% past his limits and not know it and won't even be prepared. There's no excuse for a company blowing as much smoke as valk NOT brewing to spec. Improper dosing, innacurate filling, next.
'Fraid not. Someone on a strict protocol pushing it to the limits will be 25% past his limits and not know it and won't even be prepared. There's no excuse for a company blowing as much smoke as valk NOT brewing to spec. Improper dosing, innacurate filling, next.

You only quoted part of my post. But I do agree with you.
...the last three posts from anabolic labs are all overdosed tren. Call me suspicious, but I never knew overdosing products was all that common, especially for tren. Test maybe-but not tren.

I would seriously be weary if I was basing my buy on these reports. Even adjusting for the dosages those three products are probably over-priced.

Properly dosed-plus or minus a few percent-is a good sign. Three overdosed products back to back, ehhh, seems...not right.
Are you implying anaboliclab is a fraud?
Speak clearly.

I give you one chance to explain yourself better before blasting your ass.

...the last three posts from anabolic labs are all overdosed tren. Call me suspicious, but I never knew overdosing products was all that common, especially for tren. Test maybe-but not tren.

I would seriously be weary if I was basing my buy on these reports. Even adjusting for the dosages those three products are probably over-priced.

Properly dosed-plus or minus a few percent-is a good sign. Three overdosed products back to back, ehhh, seems...not right.
You only quoted part of my post. But I do agree with you.
Yup, no disrespect meant. Too many newbies would get a hardon for "over dosing" without regard to exactly how much they are taking. Hell, I had a UGL bragging "All of our gear is overdosed, brutha!" regarding 400mg Test. Last I heard they were gone. A LOT of fools fall for this stupid shit.
My concern with overdosing isn't so much the extra mgs id be getting ( tho that is definitely an issue) it is the implications brought about when testing reveals such highly overdosed products, that being that there are not proper quality control methods being used. A lab doesn't want to overdose by 25%,that's losing hella money. Ya maybe this batch came out clean but if they are overdosing this high that means they aren't testing raws and have no idea of the possible contaminants. I was prepared to pull the trigger on some pharmacom until the 360mg dosed test e results.
A.L. is a good thing, but not without fault as has been seen in the scirrox issue.

With many products coming in at nearly perfect spec, and a good percentage higher than spec, that does raise some eyebrows. Are the UGLs really that good? Are they feeding some folks some high end specialties? Is A.L. perfect? It's good to keep everyone in check here, including A.L. That's not a bad thing. Keeping everyone in check seems to be forcing more quality control.
A.L. is a good thing, but not without fault as has been seen in the scirrox issue.

With many products coming in at nearly perfect spec, and a good percentage higher than spec, that does raise some eyebrows. Are the UGLs really that good? Are they feeding some folks some high end specialties? Is A.L. perfect? It's good to keep everyone in check here, including A.L. That's not a bad thing. Keeping everyone in check seems to be forcing more quality control.
the sciroxx issue was an insignificant typo. my guess is the raws are coming out of china overdosed, which is why the sources should be testing them.
Some of yall are god damn stupid. Millard isnt using the same guy with the same email to order. Its random as hell. The labs have no idea who coukd be ordering, they arent feeding AL the "good" batch.

Millard has been around a tad longer than most of yall.

And powders cant be overdosed what is happening is the labs are fearful of being tested and are not testing their raws each batch. They are assuming a purity percentage around 70% and rolling with it. Powder purity has improved lately and they are overdosing products on accident because they arent testing.

Any lab of any significant size shoukd be testing each batch. 1 kilo makes 500 bottles at 200mg/ml. When you sell each bottle for 65 or so dollars and it only cost 12 or so per bottle I think they should be able to spare 400 or so out of the 25k profit. Its bullshit and the community needs to reward the labs that test and force others to get with the fucking program.
Some of yall are god damn stupid. Millard isnt using the same guy with the same email to order. Its random as hell. The labs have no idea who coukd be ordering, they arent feeding AL the "good" batch.

Millard has been around a tad longer than most of yall.

And powders cant be overdosed what is happening is the labs are fearful of being tested and are not testing their raws each batch. They are assuming a purity percentage around 70% and rolling with it. Powder purity has improved lately and they are overdosing products on accident because they arent testing.

Any lab of any significant size shoukd be testing each batch. 1 kilo makes 500 bottles at 200mg/ml. When you sell each bottle for 65 or so dollars and it only cost 12 or so per bottle I think they should be able to spare 400 or so out of the 25k profit. Its bullshit and the community needs to reward the labs that test and force others to get with the fucking program.

How would what you suggested work for the lab that was tested at underdosed by 20% if they assumed they were at around 70% powder purity?

Did they actually assume they were at 100% purity and underdose the product or just get bad raws? Or did they assume they were around 70% purity as you suggest and say "fuck it" and didn't add extra powder to their recipe, again, intentionally underdosing their product? Guess those are the only options under that scenerio.

Its interesting that a lab would consider losing almost $ 5000 per kilo on overdosing by 20% instead of spending $400 on a test that would let them know what they have purity wise.

Appreciate any clarification. Maybe I'm just doing too.much late thinking on my part.
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