Valproate - Can it interfere with PCT?


New Member
Hey fellas!

I just got prescribed valproicacid by my doctor today, however I am soon heading into PCT from my cycle.

I have read that valproate affect androgens and testosterone and I am not sure in a good way, I also hear it causes severe weight gain because of increase in androgens.

Could someone who is familiar with the mechanism of action of valproate or someone who is good at understanding scientific studies please help me find out how valproate affects androgens and testosterone.

Will it interfere with my PCT?
Bumping this thread because it is sort of urgent for me to find out. There are a few studies on this but I don't really understand them, most are done on women as well but there were atleast one done on men as well. Valproate definitely affects androgens, LH, FSH and testosterone I just don't know if it is in a good or a bad way for someone who is trying to recover from steroids.
Ask the pharmacy about these drug interactions.

Just tell them ALL the meds your on and ask "are there any drug/drug interactions I need to know about"?
I did, I also asked two other professionals but they were all very unknowing of side effects. It even says when I look at the Swedish FDA that they are legally obliged to inform me of weight gain that will most likely be caused by valproate yet nobody has mentioned this yet. On the question wether it affects androgens and test levels they all say they never heard of it even though it is listed among side effects and there are studies like the one I linked. I am so confused here!
"Side effect are NOT the same as drug interactions! The former cause any number of signs and symptoms while the latter evaluate how one drug may effect another drugs EFFECTIVENESS on a therapeutic basis.

I know nothing about what they do in Sweeden but I doubt you did as I have suggested bc this info is readily available on pharmacopeias that ALL pharmacies have access to, including those in "Sweeden"

Finally just bc a reduction of TT was statically significant does NOT mean it's clinically relevant!

For example even though the use of VP may reduce ones TT level 10% say from 600ng/DL to 540ng/DL such a change would NOT effect therapy.

Bc of their protein binding capacity these effects are a trite occurance with MANY anticonvulsants

Of note the authors do NOT mention the degree of change in TT levels do they!

Good luck
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Yeah, the only reason I got valproate prescribed is because it may interact with my xanax to make it more sedative.

I guess I should rephrase my question; according to the study I linked earlier, is valproate possibly slightly suppressive or may it infact help restore natural testosterone during pct?
Oh I guess we should increase your TT dose by 5.375 mg to offset the protein binding effects of VP.

Dude, I think issues of this nature is one reason you're on Xanax!
Lmfao! That was pretty brutal... Yet probably way too true. I just worry so much, specially considering I just began PCT today for a cycle I should not even have ran in the first place, literally been getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night for the past month and a half so the doc put in valproate to possibly make me fall asleep easier... Of course ever since I read it affects testosterone in any way I haven't dared to even try it, I am already too scared I wont recover with my clomid/nolva.