Var/test cycle 12 weeks


New Member
A cycle of var 100mg a day, and test e 500mg a week, what would be the best pct I planned on doing clomid and nolva. But now I'm reading about much more pct... Is anything else necessary, and how do y'all dose your nolva clomid, and for how long?
I will getting the test on Monday, I just have been making sure I have everything down from start to finish before I hit my first cycle in two weeks.
Hcg I don't know much about that's one of the ones I was talking about doc it's my first cycle and I just wanna make sure I get everything at once and know what I'm doing.
Yeah idk my friend is on var only cycle and he does 100mg and has since he started he seems fine but if it's best to build up I will.
Yeah idk my friend is on var only cycle and he does 100mg and has since he started he seems fine but if it's best to build up I will.
I'd never run Var without test. Your gains will be far greater with test included in your cycle. IMO, var alone is a complete waste and should be kept to the females. Also, if it's your first cycle. What are your goals?
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Anavar surpresses your natural testosterone production, and the higher the dose the greater chance you'll have negative side effects. So be sure to add test if this is the route you choose. Do more research on hcg and pct and I'm sure you'll find the proper protocol. Never start a cycle without it. good luck!
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I got injured at work about 3 months prior to desired amateur bodybuilding comp I've been out the gym for 2 months now I've lost weight and size. I'm trying to not only recover what I lost but take it to another level, I'm not too sure what to expect I just know my friend has experienced significant gains from Anavar test e cycle, and I am hoping to experience the same results such as a significant size increase and strength. Also I hope it helps me cut a little.

I'd never run Var without test. Your gains will be far greater with test included in your cycle. IMO, var alone is a complete waste and should be kept to the females. Also, if it's your first cycle. What are your goals?
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Anavar surpresses your natural testosterone production, and the higher the dose the greater chance you'll have negative side effects. So be sure to add test if this is the route you choose. Do more research on hcg and pct and I'm sure you'll find the proper protocol. Never start a cycle without it. good luck!

I've actually read on it for days I've gone through most the important pct posts in the forums. Especially docs stuff. But everyone hast hair own opinion on doses and when to start. Also I couldn't find my cycle in the forum maybe I'm blind... But I figured making this would help set my pct more specifically to my desired cycle.
We'll your not going to gain massive weight with anavar. It actually can suppress your appetite so if your looking to bulk id go another route. Vars good for things such as increased strength, vascularity, hardening, and it's usually used in a cutting cycle. Don't get me wrong, it's a great product and you can makes some quality gains, even add a decent amount of weight depending on your calorie intake and training, but if your looking to gain a lot of weight and fast, then I would recommend a dbol/test cycle. Again your gains will depend on your diet and training. Here's a bulk cycle I've done in the past:

Dbol 50mg ED Week 1-5
Test E 250mg twice weekly Week 1-12
Armidex EOD .25mg Week 1-12


HCG Week 2-14 250 iu EOD twice weekly
nolvadex 2 Week 14-18
clomid /50 Week 14-18

You could always add Var at the end at 50-75mg ED Week 8-14 ;)

But if this is your first or 2nd cycle I don't think you need it
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Ok so isn't aromasin a better sub to armidex because of estrogen risks? I remember reading about that... And what do you mean by pct dosing the abbreviations I don't quite have down yet. I appreciate the help bro I do wanna add some size for sure if Anavar can't do that maybe I should switch up.