Variety of peptides, mostly organized


10+ Year Member
Recently organized in this basic case I found on Amazon. I used the cardboard separators from the box and printed the labels on most. It’s doing the job, but I’m interested in the purpose built cases I’ve seen people post.IMG_5118.jpeg
Recently organized in this basic case I found on Amazon. I used the cardboard separators from the box and printed the labels on most. It’s doing the job, but I’m interested in the purpose built cases I’ve seen people post.
Wow, nice spread!
Recently organized in this basic case I found on Amazon. I used the cardboard separators from the box and printed the labels on most. It’s doing the job, but I’m interested in the purpose built cases I’ve seen people post.
I’ve got the same level of OCD. Organized by functionality and then alphabeticallyIMG_2614.jpeg
Damn, I did all that work just to win your approval too!
That’s what I’m here for bud…
I wasn’t a fan of the “complex sciences” background you got going on there with the one case…

yours is still pretty good though. Definitely top 2 on this forum
That’s what I’m here for bud…
I wasn’t a fan of the “complex sciences” background you got going on there with the one case…

yours is still pretty good though. Definitely top 2 on this forum
Yeah was an ill-faded business idea I was going to run with early on with peptides and decided to bail after all the fly by night douchebags jumped into the game
Yeah was an ill-faded business idea I was going to run with early on with peptides and decided to bail after all the fly by night douchebags jumped into the game
It’s alright bud…. You’re going to have to fail a lot of times before you come real successful…. Never too late to try again or in a different market….believe in yourself and make it happen one day…
Recently organized in this basic case I found on Amazon. I used the cardboard separators from the box and printed the labels on most. It’s doing the job, but I’m interested in the purpose built cases I’ve seen people post.
Just basic label maker youre using or anything special?
Recently organized in this basic case I found on Amazon. I used the cardboard separators from the box and printed the labels on most. It’s doing the job, but I’m interested in the purpose built cases I’ve seen people post.
Dang! What a spread!