Venom Juice

Darren Ferris

New Member
Anyone had the pleasure of using Venom Juice?
New lab but I've heard good results from the gear.
Views or does anyone know it yet?...

Also, views on Proflex Pharmaceuticals gear? Been running it for a while n had decent results but looking something new.
***Any cooks/brewers out there?***
Your bromancer is having good results. Damn where can i get some of dat durr venom juice. I bet you pin that shit in the veins. I heard its so smooth absolutely no pip. Lol I love the way you can just smell it when these posts pop up. I'm sending you money now!
Looking a cook as I can get raws cheap enough and the rest of the shit on eBay. I'd obviously be wanting said cool to buy these him/herself n add em to costs. I'll supply the raw powder.
Looking a cook as I can get raws cheap enough and the rest of the shit on eBay. I'd obviously be wanting said cool to buy these him/herself n add em to costs. I'll supply the raw powder.

So you just come right out and ask for a random stranger to help you in manufacturing controlled substances?

Man, where did you earn your criminal justice degree?
I'll bet it's the same school that taught you how to write english.
Is this the 'let's do illegal things' thread? I want to commit insurance fraud and was wondering if there were any arsons on the board. If anyone is interested you can contact me through Facebook or I can post my name and address. ONLY stand up guys that know how to keep their mouth shut need apply.
Looking a cook as I can get raws cheap enough and the rest of the shit on eBay. I'd obviously be wanting said cool to buy these him/herself n add em to costs. I'll supply the raw powder.

What?! I'm a great cook. Go ahead and buy them raws and send em all to me. We'll get this thing going!

2016, Maximus Labz returns!
What?! I'm a great cook. Go ahead and buy them raws and send em all to me. We'll get this thing going!

2016, Maximus Labz returns!
Dont get me back on board with MXM Labs J bahaha. I still can't shit right to this day;):p:cool: Sorry, last time:D:rolleyes::(
No sorry bro it was venom labs it's made were I live a lot of local guys use it I just get it when I need something quick I like mfl