Veteran (ex- pot head) needs advice for first cycle


New Member
Absolutley clueless to cycling.

Would be grateful for a detailed instruction on first cycle and post cycle

I am 35 6'1 185lbs
Just started working out everyday.
But prior to this I have only lifted my bong to my face for the past 10 years and developed a skinny fat body. Please help
Lol. Need some muscle to do that so if you can help with a detailed instruction on first cycling and post
I can curl that kush
If you never lifted before than you need to get training and diet in check.. Aas is not a miracle drug.. If you don't have those two down then aas won't do you any good..

I'd say it's a miracle drug. And he'd still get results with a shitty diet and workout regimen. They just wouldn't be optimal.
Absolutely I have been everyday for last month. Diet as well ! I am 35 and will continue to work out. I am not expecting a miracle pill. But to help my body to its fullest potential.
So let's've never worked out until very recently, you probably have no idea about diet while using aas, and you have done no research on what's a good first cycle. You have got to be kidding? I've had friends who were just like you. The whole time they just couldn't understand why I was growing and they looked the same other then a small increase in strength.
Its funny because just yesterday morning I went to the gym and this truck I parked next to had 2 teenagers in it and trust me the driver was sitting in there rolling up a fucking blunt!lol and I know these kids be in the gym.
Just no...
And why the hell do any of us care that you're a former chronic?

There's a million first cycle threads and there's a ton of quality information to look at to get you started.

Get reading and put in some effort.
Train hard for several months maybe yrs natural. Put in your damn dues before slammin some CC's!
Workout a few years naturally man. It's the best advice you will get. See what you can accomplish naturally and see if you will be dedicated to this. This will give you time to see what type of training and diet are best for you. You need to do a lot more research or you can fuck yourself up bro. Not worth it at all to do a cycle at this point. You will make gains naturally without steroids. Why not push your body to its limit naturally THEN do a cycle? Your wasting your time cycling right now in my opinion and taking a risk not worth taking. From one pot head vet to another... trust me on this brother.