Veteran (ex- pot head) needs advice for first cycle

Absolutley clueless to cycling.

Would be grateful for a detailed instruction on first cycle and post cycle...

My response is here....

You are not in any way ready for aas...
Look through mesos nutrition threads and program threads.
Go to has some of the best nutrition program and lifestyle info on the web.
After at least 18 months if you revisit the aas idea come back here...lay us out a cycle a diet andca program and we will help you tweak it.
Good luck....i mean that
Workout a few years naturally man. It's the best advice you will get. See what you can accomplish naturally and see if you will be dedicated to this. This will give you time to see what type of training and diet are best for you. You need to do a lot more research or you can fuck yourself up bro. Not worth it at all to do a cycle at this point. You will make gains naturally without steroids. Why not push your body to its limit naturally THEN do a cycle? Your wasting your time cycling right now in my opinion and taking a risk not worth taking. From one pot head vet to another... trust me on this brother.

Just like Bundy said , you gotta put in the natty training , the foundation first . Then you can build some floors/walls . Just like building a house .

2-3 years minimum natural weight training , then lets see where you are...o_O
Bro, I hate to be a buzzkill but I have to agree with the others. You've only been working out a month and want to hop on? You're still making beginner gains, no need to run any gear. I gained ~12 lbs of muscle in my first 7 months of lifting, and I was drinking every day at the time. If you have your diet in check and train consistently, you will see a pretty dramatic change in your physique during the first year.