
It is not laziness. It is lack of discipline. I cannot count the number of times I have answered questions about diet, and two weeks later, I ask them how it is going, and, well, it's not going.

They realize it is not worth all of that to them.

It is lack of discipline. Once they know what needs to be done, they do not want to do it.

Ice cream and beer taste good
It’s this every time. One dude asked me what the secret it. I told him diet. He said it’s different now, because he’s 52. I said, bro, I’m 51. Oh, he says. Like you said, please tell me how to look like you without changing all the shit I’m doing wrong.
In conjunction with @malfeasance.

I must say …. guys, particularly older guys… eat WAY too much and not cleanly enough. Young men get away with it due to metabolism.

Everyone reads 3.5k… 4k… 4.5k…Calories and grow! GET swol! Then they do it and wonder why they get big bloated bellies and 20+ BF %

8 of ten users on this forum (just a call out number for the points sake) could probably eat 2.5-3k cal … 45% protein, 25% fat and 25-30% _quality_ carbs and HOLD muscle gaining slowly over time and get lean.

Particularly on PEDs

I watch older guy after older guy in the gym.. powerful, on PEDs lift terribly, constantly in pain/injury state and have a gut that sticks out 2-3x his pecs and think…

No thank you. They just look Tubby. No warrior look. Not jacked _and_ cut. No “V” taper.

Then they ask what my secret is…. and I have to breathe, close my eyes and resist the urge to get frustrated because they probably just don’t know better.

… mostly because they are lazy… but I digress
Nailed it. I'm too old to be eating like a youngster anymore, and I've seen alot of the fat asses you're talking about. People say I look 15 yrs. younger than my age. Why? Bodybuilding lifestyle since the age of 13 and life-long discipline. In my 60s now, and I love where I'm at . And, I have a 37 year old Filipina GF who's very happy to show me off. I'm good here.