Water based Winstrol

Iron Fist

New Member
I'm just trying to do some research and haven't found any recipes on it. Is there a way to make water based Winny?
Google.. takes 10 seconds

2 grams stanozolol powder X 0.75 displacement volume = 1.5mL
-24% BB = 4.8mL
-3% BA = 0.6mL
- 3% Polysorbate 80 = 0.6mL
-DISTILLED Water (ONLY use Distilled Water!) 12.5mL

-Combine stanozolol powder, BA, BB, PS80 and heat until clear while swirling.
-Sterile filter this hormone concentrate into your sterile vials **You should NOT have to filter fast. Let the solution cool until its warm, it should not crash!
-Using a NEW filter, filter in your Distilled water at any pace you like. Be sure to keep swirling the vial as you filter in the distilled water.

*SHAKE the hell out of your Winstrol (winny). <------important!

Complete! You now have Winstrol (winny) @ 100mg/mL X 20mL.

NOTE: your final Winstrol (winny) solution will look foamy or airy. After you shake the hell out of it, let it sit untouched for 3 days. You will see it settle out with the water on top as usual. This will be very micronized and settling out will take DAYS, so dont sweat it!
BTW, it flows through a 30 guage---Muuhhahahahaha!!!!
Looking closely at that recipe. 3% BA is a little excessive. But it can be tweeked any which way. Also, does anybody prefer oil based winny instead of water based? Are there any advantages to using a oil based winstrol?
Looking closely at that recipe. 3% BA is a little excessive. But it can be tweeked any which way. Also, does anybody prefer oil based winny instead of water based? Are there any advantages to using a oil based winstrol?
A couple advantages. First for the brewer, in oil no need to micronize the raw. Advantage for brewer and user is less chance of infection in oil. If using water based test or stan extra care to hygiene should be exercised. Water is a fertile breeding ground for bacteria. Wipe stopper with alcohol swab each time etc. An infection caused by shit hygiene yet blamed on a lab isn't fair.
Less pain in oil. Water winny or test please expect some discomfort.
Onset of compound in water? 15 min. No ester in oil? 60-90 minutes.

Pfffffffttt.... There's a reason I've never posted leg pics.. :eek:

Nice work swole..
Small quads make your dick appear larger to him or her, right jB? Combine them with tiny hands and she'll be talking about you to all her gf's,,,,that is until you put it in, You then will be accused of the ol' bait and switch and your new nickname goes from Ballzz to Copperfield,
A couple advantages. First for the brewer, in oil no need to micronize the raw. Advantage for brewer and user is less chance of infection in oil. If using water based test or stan extra care to hygiene should be exercised. Water is a fertile breeding ground for bacteria. Wipe stopper with alcohol swab each time etc. An infection caused by shit hygiene yet blamed on a lab isn't fair.
Less pain in oil. Water winny or test please expect some discomfort.
Onset of compound in water? 15 min. No ester in oil? 60-90 minutes.

Small quads make your dick appear larger to him or her, right jB? Combine them with tiny hands and she'll be talking about you to all her gf's,,,,that is until you put it in, You then will be accused of the ol' bait and switch and your new nickname goes from Ballzz to Copperfield,

What's up Ben? Late night?