We dosage


New Member
What a. Good dose of Eq a week I’m thinking 600 mg I’m on test cyp tren A and anadrol wanting to add some eq to the mix any info would be much appreciated and stay swole fellow brothers
I’m putting on size good just never ran EQ before and heard great things about it
My friend. This is exactly what smart good brothers will warn you against doing. (Which some of the best on this forum are doing)

Your rational isn’t well thought through and that almost always translates to experimental dosing which = lackluster results with more sides and disappointment in compound
forgot the gh, slupp332, tirzepatide, metformin, t4, t3, clenbuterol, telmisartan, carnitine, cialis and maybe some protein.
I bet he can get away with forgoing the protein, and maybe even food in general if he tosses in just a couple more compounds. The orals and oils will be all the calories he needs.
I bet he can get away with forgoing the protein, and maybe even food in general if he tosses in just a couple more compounds. The orals and oils will be all the calories he needs.
TIL the number of compounds in the stack is inversely proportional to the number of calories needed for more gainz. And that's pretty neat.

Also "We dosage" is a confusing title for a thread about EQ dosing. Just FYI
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