Weak erections

American Muscle

New Member
I’ve done a load of bloodwork over the past few months and haven’t been able to get a handle on this situation. I’m currently running 1200mg test p hgh at 3 iu a day and .5mg of adex 3x weekly. Been on this cycle 4.5 months now. Estrogen is in the low 30’s and prolactin is 18.6.

My erections during sex are pretty weak and sometimes cialis at 30mg doesn’t even do the trick. It’s nearly impossible to finish when erections are present. After so long I often just give up trying.

I’m looking for some input. Have any of you experienced these issues? Could the slightly elevated prolactin be the culprit? Any suggestions?
I want to say yes. Will have to see what some of the others say. I haven't had to deal with prolactin issues yet so I can't say for sure.
Whenever my boners are weak I take a nice shot of Hcg and I’m back on track. Try it. Prolactin was never an issue for me. E2 I feel kinda crappy when it’s below 30
Your prolactin is on the high side. Still in range but optimally would be better to lower it enough (but don't crush it). Also, you're on high androgens for quite sometime..This is a serious dose to run for that long. When do you plan on cruising? Sometimes more it's not the answer, there are many guys saying they feel the best regarding erections and libido while on TRT dose.
Your prolactin is on the high side. Still in range but optimally would be better to lower it enough (but don't crush it). Also, you're on high androgens for quite sometime..This is a serious dose to run for that long. When do you plan on cruising? Sometimes more it's not the answer, there are many guys saying they feel the best regarding erections and libido while on TRT dose.
Why not crush Prolactin? The lower the better for males isnt it?
That’s some low E for 1200mg of test.. you’d want something around that level at TRT dosages not over a gram.

Quit being scared and let that E2 rise! It’s anabolic af
It’s actually not anabolic at all. E2 has no direct effect on muscle growth. Given the same amount of test, you can build equal muscle with low or high e2.
Also, you're on high androgens for quite sometime..This is a serious dose to run for that long. When do you plan on cruising?
I’ll cut back to cruise dose 150mg per week in another month or two. I’ve been on blast and cruise many years and just don’t find the standard 500-750mg range doing much for me anymore.

That’s some low E for 1200mg of test.. you’d want something around that level at TRT dosages not over a gram.

Quit being scared and let that E2 rise! It’s anabolic af
I don’t aromatise much. I don’t really use an ai at all for 500mg and below. I will cut my adex back to twice a week and see how things shake out. I have a very small amount of gyno that seems to flare up around 40 estrogen though, so that does concern me.

Thanks for the replies gentlemen. I appreciate the input. I’m going to order some caber and drop my ai dose and see how that goes. The sexual sides are frustrating. My misses takes offense to the erection dying during sex and never actually finishing. So I’m desperate to get a handle on it.
I’ll cut back to cruise dose 150mg per week in another month or two. I’ve been on blast and cruise many years and just don’t find the standard 500-750mg range doing much for me anymore.

Yeah, i'm not judging the dosage, duration seems a bit excessive for that dosage..especially for prop which yields more milligrams. Just be careful with caber, some guys use a little every week but when they're on 19nor's which they tend to raise it over time. I believe with a single small administration your prolactin will get back to low normal. If not, wait until next week and take a small dose again, don't slam it from the start. Also until you fix the root issue i'd suggest if you're having a hard time with cialis, try some sildenafil. Personally it gives me way better erections compared to tadalafil, only downside it lasts way less but that's it.
People a lot smarter and bigger than you and I would disagree with that statement.
Not really, actually quite the contrary. Much bigger and leaner guys keep their e2 controlled and lower end range. Are you referring to powerlifters carrying excess water and fat? That’s not muscle nor is it anabolic. In fact even with crashed e2 as long as you’re training and eating right you’ll still make the same gains.
Not really, actually quite the contrary. Much bigger and leaner guys keep their e2 controlled and lower end range.
Thing is there is no sweet spot for estrogen for everyone. Some people feel better on higher end range. While others seem to do better keeping it lower. There are many benefits of estrogen, so crashing it or keeping it too low leads to problems long term. Most of the time leannes and body fat % depends on persons diet. You should know that since you seem to follow MPMD stuff, talking about movies, desire to look like actors, lean face and single digits all those vibes.
Thing is there is no sweet spot for estrogen for everyone. Some people feel better on higher end range. While others seem to do better keeping it lower. There are many benefits of estrogen, so crashing it or keeping it too low leads to problems long term. Most of the time leannes and body fat % depends on persons diet. You should know that since you seem to follow MPMD stuff, talking about movies, desire to look like actors, lean face and single digits all those vibes.
Yes but even with low body fat and strict diet, high estrogen will ruin you cosmetically. I agree, it’s unhealthy to keep it low for health reasons but appearance matters more in modeling and filming business.
Just look at modern day pro bodybuilders in their offseason, they are lean 12% bf at most, yet they carry abundant amounts of water retention from the high gh and estrogen.