Should I fear the estrogen

So I’m 13 weeks in

Test c- 500w
Deca- 250w

I feel amazing and balanced gains coming on lean. Bloods are perfect. And I can’t help but feel like adding another compound on top of this. This cycle has given me 0 sides and labs look great. I don’t feel the need to up the doses in case I run into problems. For example the deca I take i have no penis issues and all I do is take p5p as a precaution. My prolactin is fine but imagine I bump the dose and then I need other meds to fight sides. Not into that idea. Testosterone I feel this is a sweet spot since my e2 sits at 80 and I recently started taking DIM 200 daily. But I am thinking of adding primo masteron or something to compliment this and maybe dry out a bit. I’m not carrying crazy water but I can definitely lose some due to my higher e2 I’m assuming. Any suggestions from anyone whose tried something Similiar ? Was thinking of adding primo at 250mg a week. A bit scared to crash e2 from stories I hear.
That sounds like it would work, but is an example of invalid reasoning, excluding the middle, or a false dichotomy, between either keeping in range or getting your E2 bloodwork levels cRuNk.

The reason that an AAS user might be comfortable with elevations above normal ranges on high doses of AAS is due to the antiestrogenic class effects of androgens (tissue-level blockade of estrogen action, pituitary-level antigonadotropic action), and the proxy of androgen/estrogen ratio for general systemic estrogenicity (effects associated with the two ERs).

Look forward to a forthcoming article I've submitted to Millard for the main site, titled tentatively (subject to change), "Primo & EQ Crashed my E2! Help!" It will delve into these as factors that influence AAS effects on estrogenicity, broadly, and then for the cases of EQ & Primo.
Where can I find this article? Thank you and looking forward to reading it!

Edit: I notice I also am one of the people who much prefers higher estrogen, infact even when my bloodwork shows its elevated I get 0 symptoms and even estrogen in moderate range reduces my sex drive, energy, muscle fullness compared to high.

Having said the above I have never ventured into high doses, for me lower end 150mg a week test e and the higher end is 375mg test e - which is the dose that puts my estro high but I feel amazing and 0 sides.
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What is the best time to take the AI (Aromasin) in your experience? Just after pinning Test E/C? 6 hours after the shot? A day after?

What would be "healthier" - taking 25 mg 2x week or 12.5 mg 4x week?

I know, take bloods and go from there, but i'm interested in personal experiences.
bump to this as well
Where can I find this article? Thank you and looking forward to reading it!
We hope to publish it on MESO in the next few days. @Type-IIx has already done the heavy lifting with research and writing. I think many people will find it informative. It really addresses a lot of questions that are regularly discussed on the forum.
So I’m 13 weeks in

Test c- 500w
Deca- 250w

I feel amazing and balanced gains coming on lean. Bloods are perfect. And I can’t help but feel like adding another compound on top of this. This cycle has given me 0 sides and labs look great. I don’t feel the need to up the doses in case I run into problems. For example the deca I take i have no penis issues and all I do is take p5p as a precaution. My prolactin is fine but imagine I bump the dose and then I need other meds to fight sides. Not into that idea. Testosterone I feel this is a sweet spot since my e2 sits at 80 and I recently started taking DIM 200 daily. But I am thinking of adding primo masteron or something to compliment this and maybe dry out a bit. I’m not carrying crazy water but I can definitely lose some due to my higher e2 I’m assuming. Any suggestions from anyone whose tried something Similiar ? Was thinking of adding primo at 250mg a week. A bit scared to crash e2 from stories I hear.
Jumping in because I want to see where this goes. I hope others weigh in and to hear more good reports from you. 13 weeks sounds like a long time to be productive without trashing bloods.
Jumping in because I want to see where this goes. I hope others weigh in and to hear more good reports from you. 13 weeks sounds like a long time to be productive without trashing bloods.
Well I just got bloods 13 or 14 weeks in (date is in the photo) blast started March 27th. but it was just a lipid panel and these are my numbers 14 weeks in on these doses

Hematocrit sits 52
And blood pressure is in perfect range IMG_2359.jpeg
and for anyone wanting to review the 8 week blood markers here are snips of that


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I was an "only as needed" AI user. But the my E2 went to 115 although, besides some extra water, I felt fine. I decided to try Adex at .25 twice a week. This knocked my E2 down to 60 but brought on pretty severe joint pain in my elbows and hips that I had not experienced before. So I think everyone's E2 sweet spot is different and relates to many factors.

As a result, I am back to "only as needed" on Adex, which will probably be never since I have never had gyno even with very high E2.
What is the best time to take the AI (Aromasin) in your experience? Just after pinning Test E/C? 6 hours after the shot? A day after?

What would be "healthier" - taking 25 mg 2x week or 12.5 mg 4x week?

I know, take bloods and go from there, but i'm interested in personal experiences.
I personally don't have a set time-to-take for Aromasin.

Yeah, I go by my labs and tend to keep my dose at 12.5mg per week. I only dose for 2-3 weeks tops, testing again shows a good drop in aromatase activity (lower E2) at that time I stop and go with DIM at 400mg daily.
I personally don't have a set time-to-take for Aromasin.

Yeah, I go by my labs and tend to keep my dose at 12.5mg per week. I only dose for 2-3 weeks tops, testing again shows a good drop in aromatase activity (lower E2) at that time I stop and go with DIM at 400mg daily.
I’m doing bloods soon so I’ll find out but do you have a number that you’ve seen drop from dim like a before and after. Say before dim you were at 80 after dim 60 ? I know it just balances out e1 2 and 3 more evenly better estrogen metabolism so I’m curious how it will affect my next panel. I’m definately not sensitive to estrogen and feel 100% mind body spirit . I’m on week 19 of cycle
I’m doing bloods soon so I’ll find out but do you have a number that you’ve seen drop from dim like a before and after. Say before dim you were at 80 after dim 60 ? I know it just balances out e1 2 and 3 more evenly better estrogen metabolism so I’m curious how it will affect my next panel. I’m definately not sensitive to estrogen and feel 100% mind body spirit . I’m on week 19 of cycle
It'll be different for most, my numbers usually drop around 20 points so yeah from 80 to 60 like your example.

If I don't take Dim for a while and run Ormeloxifene, my levels stay up but I get no issues as the receptors are blocked (last labs showed 100pg while on 60mg Ormeloxifene per week).