International HGH price comparison

Only fat people care about that. And fat people are too lazy to make such a spreadsheet (or to exercise).

Yeah, that's why the top .01% of earners look like bodybuilders. Oh wait, it's their pool boys and garbagemen that look like bodybuilders, lol.

I must admit however, that's an incredibly well done, task focused spreadsheet.

Good enough to be named an honorary
Fat Accountant, at the next Fat Accountant Society luncheon.
OK, please stop now, you are making me uncomfortable
Fight Club Hug GIF

I'll stop for now until your next awesome feat. Then, who knows. I'll try my best to contain it.

My bad.
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Does everyone just go with the cheapest “quality adjusted cost per iu” or what’s the other category that’s important to you?
Does everyone just go with the cheapest “quality adjusted cost per iu” or what’s the other category that’s important to you?
I want to apologize @BigNoOne. In praising the effort Jeff put into creating this spreadsheet, I see where that can be looked at as praising the pursuit of the cheapest quality adjusted GH. There's clearly vendors on there that should not be patronized and if they are the top on the list in that spreadsheet then so what? Why patronize them? I think that is your point.

Well I think you are correct and I am sorry. I praise Jeff and his effort and rebuke vendors who won't uphold basic standards at MESO. Thanks for holding me accountable Brother.
- Reluctantly added blasphemously-named source's offering (رحمه الله)
- Increased target IU to make hypothetical order more representative of user's typical orders.
- Changed calculation of 'months since last test' column for expired (i.e. historical) promos. It is now based on the end date of the promo rather than the current date, to better reflect the quality at the time of buying.

gh comp 6Dec24.webp
In praising the effort Jeff put into creating this spreadsheet, I see where that can be looked at as praising the pursuit of the cheapest quality adjusted

So, what do you think should have featured as the last column, the one in bold?
I understand what you are saying, but the title of the spreadsheet says "price and quality comparison".
With that in mind, the way the last column was used makes sense.

Preceding it, the section that actually takes my attention, thanks to the highlighting, is the one I imagine you also value (purity, dimer, etc)..

I personally look at the last bit in relation to that.
I might be wrong.

I think for the data to look more like you would like it, the price should be taken out of the equation, completely.
However, the main driver for most people here still being price, the way it is structured still makes sense and it's comprehensive nature makes up for "what was put at the end", imo.

How would you have gone about putting it together?
Maybe putting the highlighted, colourful section at the end?
Taken the price x iu away?

I am asking you and not the individual your reply is for who has shown, on more than one occasion, to be prejudiced against OP.
- Reluctantly added blasphemously-named source's offering (رحمه الله)
- Increased target IU to make hypothetical order more representative of user's typical orders.
- Changed calculation of 'months since last test' column for expired (i.e. historical) promos. It is now based on the end date of the promo rather than the current date, to better reflect the quality at the time of buying.

View attachment 306242
I suggest you take a look at the most suitable Cinnatropin price again :)
Added a variable that describes the number of months since the last lab test. And added a penalty for infrequent lab testing in the quality-adjustment.

Rationale is as follows: (1) there is more uncertainty about the quality of the product when testing is infrequent. (2) if the last lab test is a long time ago, then this could indicate that the batch being sold has been in storage for longer, thus increasing the expected degradation. In any case, the penalty is relatively small, and due to the polynomial, only really kicks in when it has been a long time since the last test.

Finally, I added color coding to the quality parameters.

View attachment 301233
Before writing the list, I recommend that you do a good research on who the most suitable HGH prices belong to.

Cinnatropin,Genotropin and Ngenla