Weight loss


New Member
Can albuterol nebulizer liquid be taken orally for weight loss i was reading Albuterol can be used for weight loss. And if this can be used what is the dosage?
You can but its not gonna do much at all for fat burning, a lot of people overestimate how strong " fat burning" drugs are, I've done 100mcg of pharma grade T3 and ive gained weight REALLY easily if i didn't pay attention to what i was eating.
Salbutamol or albuterol is quite good for cut. Of course you need to diet and be in a calorie deficit for it to work, but the results are quite a bit faster when cutting than without it. Better than clen side effect wise and almost as effective.
Fat burner? No
Endurance, Yes

We have at least a dozen compounds that provide fat loss, if you can look elsewhere.

its a beta2 agonist, basically a mild clenbuterol with a shorter halflife.

Inhaled salbutamol induces leanness in well-trained healthy females but not males during a period of endurance training: a randomised controlled trial
its a beta2 agonist, basically a mild clenbuterol with a shorter halflife.

Inhaled salbutamol induces leanness in well-trained healthy females but not males during a period of endurance training: a randomised controlled trial
I've tried it as a replacement for ephedrine. If it's all someone has access to sure but I would even reach for DNP before it with all the Mitochondrial damage that goes along with it.
All the fancy GLP-1s

If albuterol is all he has and it gets the job done that's all that matters.

Nobody wants to hear it but I've to gotten fast and better fat loss results with low calorie diets, fasted cardio with intermittent fasting and body weight training like burpees and/or running/cycling
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