Trenbolone prevents weight loss?

I‘m on Test/Tren/Mast (250/300/250). My maintenance is roughly 4.000 calories. At least that’s the amount of food I used to eat on TRT before the current cutting cycle to keep my weight.

Stats: 5'10" / 205lbs / 14-16% bodyfat

I‘m eating 2.000 calories (300/160/20 - Protein/Carbs/Fat) per day when I‘m working out (5x per week) and 950 on rest days (PSMF). Theoretically that should put me into a weekly deficit of 16.100 calories, which would translate to about 4.5lbs of fat loss per week, probably even more because my activity levels are higher now.

However, my weight has been dropping at a much slower rate. Only 1-1.5lbs per week.

I know what you think: "this retard can‘t track his food accurately." Trust me, my tracking is extremely accurate and precise.

I have some theories as to why I‘m not losing weight fast enough.

1. Trenbolone was originally designed to accumulate more mass on cows with less food. Could this mean it reduces your T3 production and therefore lowers your maintenance calories?

2. I‘m building muscle while losing fat. Probably unlikely, but I‘m not that huge, so maybe there’s something behind it.

What do you think? Should I do a blood test to measure my T3 levels? I‘ve never had any problems with weight loss before using Tren.
Did you add the compound while in the middle of the cut? I've noticed when i add Tren into the mix my weight stagnant also very slightly. Can be due to water retention from the compound, glycogen, preserving more muscle etc etc. Can't always be relying on the scale, look in the mirror, do you look like you're leaning out? it can also be your diet. My metabolism adapts quite quickly. For me, when i see my progress dieting plateau, I add a "high" carb day every 4/5 days. I add 400 calories from carbs (100g carbs) i also subtract 15g off my fats that day and add those calories into carbs also. (30g/35g) Seems counter productive when looking at the big picture subjectively but this helped me get the leanest I've ever been.
Could be that you're gaining muscle as you drop fat and the energy from the fat loss is fueling your muscle anabolism. How much protein are you getting per lb?