Weird smelling sweat on test


New Member
Have ran 2 previous cycles.
1st was 300mg test e (16 weeks) with 50mg anavar for 6 weeks
2nd 500mg test e, dbol 50mg 6 weeks, npp 300mg 6 weeks (hopped off early due to weird mental sides/thoughts)

Been on trt for the past 2-3 months, using Synergy Forge Labs testosterone enanthate. My sweat has started to smell very weird. It’s a very pungent and somewhat acidic smell. I have also had an increase in sweating during the day. Simple activities like walking with a backpack on cause me to break a sweat within 1-2 minutes. Not heavy but noticeable. Gym sweat is awful. I am covered in sweat like I got oiled up for a show. I am wondering if this is something I should worry about, or maybe just fast metabolism and other factors. Any advice is helpful.

It could be that. It could also be a generalized inflammatory reaction raising body temp. I had something similar with the first brand of test I used. Switching brands put a stop to it.
Smell like guaiacol maybe? When I use to use TNE it would make my sweat stink like that... but idk why test e would have that shit in it... besides u can smell guaiacol from the vial alone.


It could be the carrier oil... maybe switch to someone else's test and see what happens.
Welcome to the board.

New Member Thread

Yes. I would agree you are taking a lot of hormones and hormones are related to sweat. Best Wishes.
Thanks. This eases worries a lot. I thought I had an underlying insulin/thyroid issue.
It could be that. It could also be a generalized inflammatory reaction raising body temp. I had something similar with the first brand of test I used. Switching brands put a stop to it

Smell like guaiacol maybe? When I use to use TNE it would make my sweat stink like that... but idk why test e would have that shit in it... besides u can smell guaiacol from the vial alone.


It could be the carrier oil... maybe switch to someone else's test and see what happens.
Thanks will do. Works perfectly, just ordered new cycle and switched sources.