What AAS are least likely to cause athlerosclerosis?


Which AAS are least likely to progress athlerosclerosis? My assumption would be nandrolone. I'd keep in mind that there is thought it isn't just raw lipids values but what happens to the HDL particle itself and it's ability to clean regardless of levels. We have had a lot of talk about statins and ASCVD on this board and just curious if anyone has any real insights.
The bioidenticals in my opinion are the safest. Test and GH may people can find a dose above natural replacement they can run for a long time.

Atherosclerosis is multi factorial. You’ll need damage to the endothelial glycocalyx, hyperlypidemia, and inflammation.

Itll be individual of course on which factor affects you individually. Using nandrolone as you described may cause higher HSCRP in some, like myself, but no bp issues. Others may become water buffaloes and BP shoots through the roof.

I've combed thru a bunch of these studies and some say testosterone does progress ASCVD, some say it doesn't but according to my cardiologist the latest data says that it does not at replacement doses. Now, perhaps at free T of 15-20 that's the case but what about free T of 40? Nobody has done that study.
The ones that wreck lipids the most. I would start with orals, tren then probably DHT’s.

The worst my lipids have ever been was on test and primo. My HDL was 29 and my LDL was 190. How primo got the rep as a safe drug I don't know. It kills my HDL and nukes my estrogen which are both awful things. I think we are coming to a near consensus as a community that driving LDL way down with medicines while cycling is probably the safest way to avoid ASCVD.
The worst my lipids have ever been was on test and primo. My HDL was 29 and my LDL was 190. How primo got the rep as a safe drug I don't know. It kills my HDL and nukes my estrogen which are both awful things. I think we are coming to a near consensus as a community that driving LDL way down with medicines while cycling is probably the safest way to avoid ASCVD.
It absolutely is. Hdl almost means nothing anyways if ldl is under 90.

If your Hdl is like a 5 get off the orals lol but besides that yea ldl low is ideal.