What age should I start my first cycle?

What age should someone start using steroids

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Hey, I was wondering what everyones opinion is on what the youngest age is to start your first cycle. I'm 16 years old myself and just have some questions you know? From what ive read there isn't a whole lot of research done on teenagers using steroids but have heard guys talking about how it'll mess up your testosterone levels in the future and that you should use your natural abilities to the max.
I'm just wondering if anyone has medical studies that they can show to prove how much worse it is for a teenager (17 or 18) to do anabolic steroids than it would be to do them at 23 or 24 like most people say is the earliest you should start, thanks

Also I put up a poll for people to vote what age they believe is best.

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Hard work and dedication. Don't start now. You will appreciate the gains you make now until your in your mid twenties. You will learn a lot about your body and training and diet.
No medical studies, but I have my own experiences.

When I was 18, me and 2 of my friends thought it was a good idea to try steroids. Long story short; we got huge, followed by 3 months of limp dick and 1 year of severe lethargy. Lost all my gains, but I recovered. Slowly.

Wished I waited a couple of years. Then I would have more training experience, more money so I could cycle more often, better contacts so I could have could have better gear.
Age is an important consideration, but just as important, and maybe more so, is the progress you have made naturally. I started at 31 after training naturally for 15 years. I went as far as I could go without using PED. I trained hard natural 2-3 hrs a day, and worked up to around 225-235 lbs at 12% bf, which is probably 45lbs over where I would be if I didn't train.
right now your test levels are at a point that most of us pay money to get synthetically. Typically when a man reaches his early 30's or even sometimes his late 20's the natural testosterone levels will start to decline. This is normally the age people will start to use AAS. Reason why it makes no sense to start in your teens is your putting in what your body is normally producing and when you come off to crash like that at such a young age in ridiculous. There are plenty of guys here who started way to young and payed a big price. Also AAS is best used when the body has reached its full natural potential and you want to break through push past that.
Anything thing before the age of 25 is questionable unless your natural testosterone production has shut down for some reason. I am 21 and had the same question and was told that it is necessary to build a good natural base before even considering using them as well as waiting several years. You can use Home - PubMed - NCBI as a way to research the side affects of adolescent steroid abuse but even then most of the teens in the studies are 18-20.
Know one can give you the right age to start, but if I was you I would work out harx for the next ten years and come back to this question again
Depends. At which age do you want to risk losing wood, never being able to work out natty again, screw up your head, suffer depression, see fantastic gains poor back out again, need to spend thousands of dollars to 'just train', lose all training motivasjon, risk bitch tits, The list goes on.
Don't start too early. I screwed my self over. Sure, it was amazing to pack on nearly 30lbs, but lost it all once I came off. took me almost two years to get that back naturally. All I can say is do a ton of research, once you're old enough to consider AAS, I would recommend doing a short cycle and see how your body reacts to that once you're off.
Depends. At which age do you want to risk losing wood, never being able to work out natty again, screw up your head, suffer depression, see fantastic gains poor back out again, need to spend thousands of dollars to 'just train', lose all training motivasjon, risk bitch tits, The list goes on.

It sucks to admit, but there is a lot of truth here. AAS use is not a "phase". It's not like a chick you just met at a bar that you can ditch any time and not look back. It really is a life changing thing that you can't take lightly.
Hey, I was wondering what everyones opinion is on what the youngest age is to start your first cycle. I'm 16 years old myself and just have some questions you know? From what ive read there isn't a whole lot of research done on teenagers using steroids but have heard guys talking about how it'll mess up your testosterone levels in the future and that you should use your natural abilities to the max.
I'm just wondering if anyone has medical studies that they can show to prove how much worse it is for a teenager (17 or 18) to do anabolic steroids than it would be to do them at 23 or 24 like most people say is the earliest you should start, thanks

Also I put up a poll for people to vote what age they believe is best.

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Id ask that you please hold off bro. Youre not ready for all that comes with this game we play. I started at 19 and was clueless...now im in my 30s...sticking synthetic test every week just to feel normal and exist....too much to get into here...again, think about this twice or possibly prepare for a life youre too young to understand.