What are the best spots to inject?


New Member
What's up my friends at Mesorx.

Here I am again with a new question: What are the best points to inject anabolic steroids?

Now, I decided that I will apply it to the deltoids, biceps, vastus lateralis. However, I will apply it every day and I am afraid of creating fibrosis. Do you think these muscles I mentioned are enough?

Any suggestions for new points? Gluteal is also an option, but I only have insulin needles and I don't know if subcutaneous would be a good option.

thank you all.
yeah... biceps is a no go for allot of people... it kind of is prone to PIP and being a muscle that you use all day it not very nice to feel a lump there
You can try triceps short head if doing max 1ml, also rear delts
I personally tried everything except quads... Lats also sometimes work ok other times I get PIP.... same for pecs.
You’re just gonna have to
Figure out what works for you. I do quads glutes and delts. I’ve done traps pecs and lats before and ONE calf injection. Wish it was zero.
Best, I don't know. Maybe glutes for most people.

Favorite of mine in order:
1. Delts
2. Glutes
3. Quads
4. Pecs
5. Belly (only for sq inj)
I’d stay away from any arm shots. Stick to VG, quads, and Delts. Delts seem to scar easier for me I can’t shoot them anymore it’s like gator skin now so I have stopped pinning them a long time ago.
In order of preference:

Triceps (only time I hit a nerve, just once though)
Glutes (awkward angle, damn scar tissue)
Chest (chest and lats sensitive to being pricked)

I've tried inner quads and that left PIP. Would love to add more spots. Traps apparently has a lot of nerves?
In order of preference:

Triceps (only time I hit a nerve, just once though)
Glutes (awkward angle, damn scar tissue)
Chest (chest and lats sensitive to being pricked)

I've tried inner quads and that left PIP. Would love to add more spots. Traps apparently has a lot of nerves?
Traps is part of my regular rotation (daily injections always). I find that they are painless to inject but I feel the oil in the trap for at least a day after (for lack of a better discription) I guess a little tightness
I hate the word pip

To OP:
I use all the spots I do out of necessity. Daily injections of usually around 1mL per day, sometimes more, necessitates the use of multiple sites. Quads, Traps, Lats and Chest is my favorite mainly because glutes and Delts are lots of scar tissue.
For guys that only have two sites there is no way that the are injecting everyday much less 10 mL a week. So to determine what sites to use it really comes down to personal protocols. Are you a once a week or twice a week injector? How much are you injecting at a time? How long have you been using steroids? All of these are factors.
So just because one guy uses certain sites doesn’t mean those are best for you personally.
Start with sites that handle oil well and if you need to expand from there for what ever reasons then try the next best sites
I would avoid biceps lol
Usually rotate delts and quads on cycle. Or when on my regular TRT dose I'll rotate delts and triceps
Glutes (pip can suck at times), front mid and rear delts, traps, lats, biceps, VG and pecs. Pecs I can inject in 6 diff locations splitting 1/2 shot to each side, same area (so 2 injections of 1 1/2cc). Pecs you do the outer and inner areas. Upper and mid pecs are easy but I tend to stay away from lower pec (too close to nipple). I split the injection as well for when doing either rear delts or front delts. I also split injections when doing left and right traps.

Now some people with Virgin muscle will get pip such as arms. Arms I go deep into the muscle with 27g 1 1/2" needle. I rotate between inner and outer heads of bicep. Feel around for any veins on your arm and avoid. Everywhere else is 25g 1" needle.

It's a good idea to get used to using as many areas as possible to help reduce scare tissue when Injecting daily.

I don't understand this insulin needle thing. To me it's pointless. I'll admit in the beginning I was hesitant and hated the pip. But you get used to it pretty quickly.
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Vg, lats (recent add, I really like it, easy, never any marks) switched to rear delts from medial, kind of a pain but if there is a mark it’s way less visible. These three make it easy to rotate.

I don’t like the classic quad site. Chase irons said he prefers much higher on the quad and I’m having trouble visualizing that. Anyone else do or try that?