What are your goals?


New Member
Simple question - When it comes to AAS, what are your ultimate goals?

I’ve been here lurking for about 6 months now - and it seems that goals range from “I want to be the biggest, scariest motherfucker on the planet!” To “I just want to keep my dick hard enough to jerk off while my wife gets railed by some BBC.”

I’ll start: I was a gym rat for much of my 20’s
and 30’s and was around a group that was making trips to Mexican Vets and bringing stuff back across the border - I did a few simple cycles back then, but never really got the results I wanted due to not having my diet dialed in etc - not to mention all the recreational drugs I was using back then.

I stopped training completely after my first daughter was born, and slowly turned into a piece of shit. Fast forward to now - mid 40’s and as of 6 months ago I began my journey into body transformation. I started at 5’10, 225lbs, and over the next 5 months dropped down to right around 180lbs. I had cycled my calories down to 1800,my diet was stalling and decided to recomp on 600mg test-e (pinning 200mg 3 times weekly). I’m about 4 weeks into that and feeling better than I have in years!

My end goal? I want to be so sexy naked that I have to jerk off every time I look at
myself in the mirror - bang my wife three times a day - AND any ladyboys that I run across. And sure, being a scary beast
would be great too, although that ship
may have already sailed for me!

What were your goals when you first started AAS? What are you goals now? - Do you have any regrets, or things you wish you would have done differently?
I’m a late bloomer, went to the gym in different periods of my life but was just kind of going through the motions. It didn’t feel that way at the time, but I was never truly willing to commit to the entirety of it, and my results reflected that.

Much of my 20s and 30s were focused on partying; food, booze, and whatever else. I never wanted kids, my wife did… but something clicked a few years back.

After our first child we still tried to maintain our previous lifestyle to a degree, but when the second one came 14 months later it became pretty clear; change was here! I quit drinking and drugging and eating like a pig, have been sober since. Replaced it with a fitness and nutrition obsession.

Haven’t actually done a proper AAS cycle yet, been on TRT for a while, but planning a blast in the near future.

As far as goals, I’m turning 40 this year, and I’m in the best shape of my life. I want to continue that trend for the next decade, and build a physique I’m truly proud of (so I can lie to my son about how I obtained it, lol)
For me it’s very similar to many others, I took some time off from the gym as I built a successful company.

I always wanted to get bigger even when I was a teenager being 5’11” and 160lbs I felt small and overlooked.

I started lifting in my 20’s but drank and partied too much and thought eating chicken and broccoli would get me big.

Fast forward to my 30’s I’m healthier, and look better at 5’11” 225lb. I’m benching, squatting, and deadlifting more than I would have ever thought.

My current goals being in my late 30’s longevity is always in mind, size is important to me, and strength is also very important.

I can say that in my late 30’s I’m in best shape of my life. I was always an hard gainer when I was younger and now with my age and AAS it is easier to put on quality size vs in my 20’s natural. Another notable result is my overall mental acuity is better than ever.

As far as lifting goals go I’m not the strongest but I’m close to closing in on a 400lb raw bench, my squat has always been weak, I’m at 400lb on it but now I’m shooting for 500lb. I deadlift but rarely max out, I would estimate a 450lb deadlift. I know these numbers may not be the best but in my 20’s I couldn’t bench 295lb and I didn’t squat.
I absolutely need to train. I have to. Society labels me unfit and unstable. The entirety of who I am and the man I want to be is considered a personality disorder by a disingenuous and morally bankrupt society. It judgement on me because I have concrete ideals and believe in absolute morality.
Granted, I can be a little intense and seemingly unhinged at times. I understand this and still want to somehow at least live a life parallel to these societal bonds that no one can escape from.

To do this I need rigid structure. What is basically a form of cognitive behavioral therapy administered within the backdrop of a gym. I have to go nearly everyday for the sake of normalcy. For the sake of sanity. For the sake of those around me. I have no problem with motivation as I am highly disciplined. But I have a problem with growth and development. Without it I fall into depression regardless of the circumstances around me. If I cannot see I am building something positive everyday I feel like a worthless human being that does not deserve to live. I cannot allow a significant plateau. Not one that would make me quit or feel utterly hopeless

So I am turning to PEDs to continue my therapy and make something out of myself in a manner of speaking.

My goal is to be functional, happy, and fearless of my own role in the world around me
Natty at 18-25 pretty huge 6'3 192 comp 225 lean. Then at 25 partying living too fast rolled vehicle at 147 running from cops, jail etc. Paralyzed briefly, 10yrs back to "normal". First kid.last yr and I had to.cut to show.value and worth and get sanity back. Ntm, scare any boys away in 10yrs! Started back 297 rock bottom last June, currently 243 w about 10-15 more to go. Most natural but the sema helped for a bit. Test 200 primo 200 hgh 3ius xs 7 hcg 300xs 3 currently. My main goal, live life big like a 1800s strong man at 12% 230s where I feel best, maybe top 2 abs if even
Fully agree with OP, I wanna masturbate to my own mirror image and feel that this nude dude deserves a statue of himself!
Never had the competition need, but definitely love attention.
Started TRT due to low readings and started on that path not too long ago around 32/33, at 34 - feels like I haven't accomplished 1/16th of the shit I wanted to or promised myself I would growing up.

Late teens and early 20's I stayed natty, I got BIG, the running joke at work was I was juicing - In reality I just poured all my money into food and supp's.

A little back and forth on my timeline, but fast forward back to 34 and time had gone by where from 25 onwards my diet went to shit, training went to shit, etc. Struggled with a lot of mental issues and had to fight a lot of my own demons.

TRT was a game changer, wife and I already had the # of kids we wanted to have so destroying my nuts wasn't an issue, plus they were already on their own decline so decided it's time to focus on getting big and shredded again w/ some help along the way. Not for a show, not for any cred, just for me and the ability to say I did that before I died.

That's ultimately how I ended up here - Awesome place btw :cool:
Agreed, I want to see myself in the mirror naked and say "DAMN! I'd do me!" Most of my life I had physically demanding jobs, so I liked the way I looked. and I could stay fit easily. After turning 45 the weight started hanging on. My workouts weren't getting me where I wanted to be, personal trainers improved my cardio but I didn't see the results we were aiming for, took natural chef courses and even taught at the school after graduation, tried different eating/tracking routines, tried HGH a couple times.... and finally, a kind person helped me find this route which I'm new to. I'm researching and appreciate all the shared experiences and data shared here. Current goals are to lose body fat and then work on my gains. The body fat gained over the last 10+ years is ridiculous and I'm ready to step out of my comfort zone.
At first I wanted to be a mass monster I start cycling ag 18. At first I didn't have very good results due to diet etc.
But then I learned the "trick" and I got pretty big. Was always the biggest at the room at my workplaces etc.
Then I needed to do some more cardio related stuff and I start losing my gains intentionally.
I have bouncer type physique a GOOD amount of mass and not so lean hovering around 12-15% and 95-98kg on trt.
My goals now are to sloooowly adding small amounts of muscle to not stop me from my cardio staff.

My goal is to feel good have good libido feeling healthy and "light" I want to be a mass monster now who could also be a freak not only in the gym but everywhere running swimming biking I wanna be fully functional and explore the limits of my body on all "sports" not only in the weight room.
I just like to be strong as possible, I like bench /military press. I don’t have lofty goals , but I do like to be the strongest guy in my shitty small town gym. Usually I am. I’m like a dad bod fake natty at nearly 41. It’s cool thou
At first I wanted to be a mass monster I start cycling ag 18. At first I didn't have very good results due to diet etc.
But then I learned the "trick" and I got pretty big. Was always the biggest at the room at my workplaces etc.
Then I needed to do some more cardio related stuff and I start losing my gains intentionally.
I have bouncer type physique a GOOD amount of mass and not so lean hovering around 12-15% and 95-98kg on trt.
My goals now are to sloooowly adding small amounts of muscle to not stop me from my cardio staff.

My goal is to feel good have good libido feeling healthy and "light" I want to be a mass monster now who could also be a freak not only in the gym but everywhere running swimming biking I wanna be fully functional and explore the limits of my body on all "sports" not only in the weight room.
What's this trick you speak of
At this point in my life it’s more of a physical to mental benefit. I like intensity and feeling like I’m pushing myself beyond prior levels, being natural doesn’t accomplish that. The look has become more of the biproduct of fulfilling the mental hunger for intensity
Try not to injure myself, shrink as slowly as i can and have my chest enter the room before my belly. But i started lifting 50 years ago so my goals may be different then most others.