What can you do with a minor tear?


Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, but I got my first minor pec-tear yesterday and kinda
clueless what I "can" do.
It's (I think) in the ligament or attachement from pec to shoulder, and the feeling was an overstretch,
not a "pop" as many describe it, more ripping.

I did bench, was warmed up, felt 130kgs went rather easy, thought I'd do a 140 warmup rep
before trying to go for 150-155 (aiming for 160 before Christmas).
Lifting of went easy and down controlled went great, but right at the bottom just at the
push I felt it.
Luckily I was in security bench and could drop the bar and roll it off.

I don't have any direct pain, but it's an odd feeling inside, and any movement activate that feeling.
I am scared even doing squats today since I gotta hold the bar steady.

Any advice?
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, but I got my first minor pec-tear yesterday and kinda
clueless what I "can" do.
It's (I think) in the ligament or attachement from pec to shoulder, and the feeling was an overstretch,
not a "pop" as many describe it, more ripping.

I did bench, was warmed up, felt 130kgs went rather easy, thought I'd do a 140 warmup rep
before trying to go for 150-155 (aiming for 160 before Christmas).
Lifting of went easy and down controlled went great, but right at the bottom just at the
push I felt it.
Luckily I was in security bench and could drop the bar and roll it off.

I don't have any direct pain, but it's an odd feeling inside, and any movement activate that feeling.
I am scared even doing squats today since I gotta hold the bar steady.

Any advice?
Rest ice ibuprofen , you were probably going to heavy or not recovered enough from your last session.

Wasent your back just messed up too, how did the recovery go for that?
Rest ice ibuprofen , you were probably going to heavy or not recovered enough from your last session.

Wasent your back just messed up too, how did the recovery go for that?
Appreciate it!
I did do sumo the day before, so I might have "pre-pulled" something there without realizing that...

True, hernia, crazy enough it's much better now. I've focused more on strengthening the back and posture, plus a new rockhard bed has helped wonders. However, if I change any routine, even taking a few days of from gym, my back tightens and pain returns.
So I always gotta keep moving to some degree.
Appreciate it!
I did do sumo the day before, so I might have "pre-pulled" something there without realizing that...

True, hernia, crazy enough it's much better now. I've focused more on strengthening the back and posture, plus a new rockhard bed has helped wonders. However, if I change any routine, even taking a few days of from gym, my back tightens and pain returns.
So I always gotta keep moving to some degree.
I hear u, I'm In the most pain when i wake up in the am but once I get around moving stretching and warm up I feel pretty good.
Amen bro! I seldom believe docs "stay still" recommendations work besides serious injuries. Seems squats are fine, as long as I don't stretch pec I feel rather good, so I guess I am lucky so far..
Though I am to afraid to up any weight, so will go high rep.
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, but I got my first minor pec-tear yesterday and kinda
clueless what I "can" do.
It's (I think) in the ligament or attachement from pec to shoulder, and the feeling was an overstretch,
not a "pop" as many describe it, more ripping.

I did bench, was warmed up, felt 130kgs went rather easy, thought I'd do a 140 warmup rep
before trying to go for 150-155 (aiming for 160 before Christmas).
Lifting of went easy and down controlled went great, but right at the bottom just at the
push I felt it.
Luckily I was in security bench and could drop the bar and roll it off.

I don't have any direct pain, but it's an odd feeling inside, and any movement activate that feeling.
I am scared even doing squats today since I gotta hold the bar steady.

Any advice?

I’m recovering from left pectoral tendon reattachment surgery right now. I also got a staph infection in the incision 2 weeks after The initial surgery and they had to cut me all the at back open. My advice is to get it examined by a doctor first. Next, ice it often. Don't don’t do anything above stretching or mobility work until it heals up. You don’t want this surgery, bro. I promise. It’s a long recovery and it sucks. Don’t stop working your lower body or uninjured side though. Cross transference will keep the injured side from atrophying as bad. Eat to heal. Lots of protein and get your carbs up. You’ll lose any weight you put on. Get into physical therapy and actually do what they say to do. I have used TB500, BPC-157, and HGH and I recovered at an extremely accelerated rate and I’m basically pain free. The doctors are very puzzled as to how I healed so quickly.

Be careful, bro. Used good judgment. Get on some leg machines or belt squat if you have one available. Do single arm dumbbell presses. These are actually awesome for strengthening your core. Don't let your ego get you into trouble by doing too much too early. Once again, you don’t want this surgery. It’ll be another 6 months or longer before I’m back to 95% at most.

Also, my doctor had my left arm and shoulder completely immobilized for 2.5 months so the tendon would research strong like it needed too. But he made it very clear that I was NOT TO STOO TRAINING. Focus on lower body and uninjured side. Find an orthopedic doctor that specializes in sports medicine. My doc is an elite iron man triathlete, so I take his word to heart and do what he tells me. Research the doctor you’re going to see before you go. At least find one that specializes in sports medicine.
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What they said. All you can do is give it time to heal and focus on other body parts in the meantime. If you have the means and can get to a good orthopedic who can image it for an absolute diagnosis, all the better.
Ah crap, I figured as much! Guess the Christmas goal will be getting bigger quads instead, since it's such a tricky place not activating. I darn hope that scar tissue won't be an issue just ripping off again ones healed.
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, but I got my first minor pec-tear yesterday and kinda
clueless what I "can" do.
It's (I think) in the ligament or attachement from pec to shoulder, and the feeling was an overstretch,
not a "pop" as many describe it, more ripping.

I did bench, was warmed up, felt 130kgs went rather easy, thought I'd do a 140 warmup rep
before trying to go for 150-155 (aiming for 160 before Christmas).
Lifting of went easy and down controlled went great, but right at the bottom just at the
push I felt it.
Luckily I was in security bench and could drop the bar and roll it off.

I don't have any direct pain, but it's an odd feeling inside, and any movement activate that feeling.
I am scared even doing squats today since I gotta hold the bar steady.

Any advice?
Thats a tear…. Get an mri right away…
I tore mine jan 3, that zipper sensation means you tore it.
Ah crap, I figured as much! Guess the Christmas goal will be getting bigger quads instead, since it's such a tricky place not activating. I darn hope that scar tissue won't be an issue just ripping off again ones healed.
If you dont get it looked at soon, you will never be able to get surgery it will retract…my surgery went fine, and i am back to where i was in just 10 months from surgery. Its not terrible, if torn and no surgery you will never, get back and true strength again.

Get an MRI asap, tell then you need it “STAT” because if you dont the tendon will keep retracting into the muscle….you have 4 weeks to get it done…explain you think its a tear…they will get you in tomorrow, they know this needs to be treated with urgency.

DO NOT WAIT, or you will never have strength in your chest again.

The ZIPPER sensation means a tear….!!!!
And it always happens at the bottom of the rep going back up to the concentric portion, which is what you said happened. And you were barbell pressing!

You tore it…100% without a doubt
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place, but I got my first minor pec-tear yesterday and kinda
clueless what I "can" do.
It's (I think) in the ligament or attachement from pec to shoulder, and the feeling was an overstretch,
not a "pop" as many describe it, more ripping.

I did bench, was warmed up, felt 130kgs went rather easy, thought I'd do a 140 warmup rep
before trying to go for 150-155 (aiming for 160 before Christmas).
Lifting of went easy and down controlled went great, but right at the bottom just at the
push I felt it.
Luckily I was in security bench and could drop the bar and roll it off.

I don't have any direct pain, but it's an odd feeling inside, and any movement activate that feeling.
I am scared even doing squats today since I gotta hold the bar steady.

Any advice?
If you dont do this, you will not ever be able to dumbell or any chest exercises again, ever, its not possible, i talked to people in my profession, they said you will never be able to do chest again unless you get the surgery.

And you have no idea if its a “minor” pec tear??? How could you tell…

Its not as drastic of a process as you would think. Sorry that this occured….please go to doctor….you will be so glad you did a year from now.
I have had various feeling while working out from a slight strain to tearing muscle off the bone. From what was posted it seems it could be any number of things. Either go to a Dr. or start where you feel comfortable and see how things go.
Will see if I can see a doc next week since it's rather easy to do here, I need to go regardless for a semen test so might do it the same day if I can. From what I can tell now 2 days later (?) is that I seem to have full mobility, but I haven't dared to stretch it out as you do in a lift.
I can carry bags, drive MC, sleep on it etc etc without discomfort, but I do feel it's there, like a internal bluemark feeling at the moment. Though nothing visible.

I had a similar feeling years and years ago in bicep during military press. That took ages to fully heal, but it never hindered anything or any exercises. It actually got away the more I trained.
Granted however, I never go ego lifting on biceps as a 1rm on Bench or Dead.

Now I can feel exactly where it is as well if I press on it. It's right in the middle of shoulder attachement and pec. So if you relax your arm and put a finger between pec and bicep in armpit, it's on the chest side (where the pec and bicep touch). Hope that makes sense^^
Will see if I can see a doc next week since it's rather easy to do here, I need to go regardless for a semen test so might do it the same day if I can. From what I can tell now 2 days later (?) is that I seem to have full mobility, but I haven't dared to stretch it out as you do in a lift.
I can carry bags, drive MC, sleep on it etc etc without discomfort, but I do feel it's there, like a internal bluemark feeling at the moment. Though nothing visible.

I had a similar feeling years and years ago in bicep during military press. That took ages to fully heal, but it never hindered anything or any exercises. It actually got away the more I trained.
Granted however, I never go ego lifting on biceps as a 1rm on Bench or Dead.

Now I can feel exactly where it is as well if I press on it. It's right in the middle of shoulder attachement and pec. So if you relax your arm and put a finger between pec and bicep in armpit, it's on the chest side (where the pec and bicep touch). Hope that makes sense^^
That is the pec major tendon
Listen to @jJjburton. Pec major tendon tear sucks. It's a long recovery. Don't put off seeing a doctor. It has been since August 15th for me and I haven't even been cleared to start PT yet.
Ah crap, I figured as much! Guess the Christmas goal will be getting bigger quads instead, since it's such a tricky place not activating. I darn hope that scar tissue won't be an issue just ripping off again ones healed.
I had a similar tear benching 365 lbs and heard it rip. It wasn’t a full tendon detachment but humerus had pain. That’s how i knew i pulled some off of the bone. After 2 years of no bench i recovered completely with minor deformity but only a trained eye can tell. Bench is now 405 flat 365 incline for 3-5 reps no spotter. The key was let it heal and return slowly. Add Bpc-157 to the mix and don’t force it. If you flex and it still hurts it isn’t ready. Start back slowly.
I had a similar tear benching 365 lbs and heard it rip. It wasn’t a full tendon detachment but humerus had pain. That’s how i knew i pulled some off of the bone. After 2 years of no bench i recovered completely with minor deformity but only a trained eye can tell. Bench is now 405 flat 365 incline for 3-5 reps no spotter. The key was let it heal and return slowly. Add Bpc-157 to the mix and don’t force it. If you flex and it still hurts it isn’t ready. Start back slowly.
This makes me glad to read! I (potentially stupid) went against MRI or US as reading around and feeling now a few days after it seems no one will operate on this, but rehab. Yes, I can pay for it myself, but a year off and empty account didn't sound worth it and I felt if it tear fully I have no choice regardless and can take it then.

I went back yesterday first time and I did a lot of warming up+cardio. Light stretches and movements to see what I could do, no pain or deform at all, nor blemishes. So I went for legs, just to see if I could at least keep a weight stable and it went all good. Ended with 5kg db's and 7kgs cable just to move around and feel very carefully. I felt it then, but very very minimal.

Today I woke up and felt it trying to tighten up. Went back to gym and did a small back session with no issue, working so I moved the injury in all angles I could after a good warmup (keeping it very controlled and never overstretch). Went fine.
Tried some light delt fly's in cable and light db presses and started to feel that sensitivity, but no pain. Ended with some light moving stretches.

It's there, but now feeling around I think I have noticed two things:
1) The injury is in muscle, just before the ligament. I might be very wrong here, but just a gut feeling. I was confused since no bruising, but it doesn't feel to be at the "rubbery" area, just next to it.
2) I had more injuries, very small, but there. I believe the culprit is the damn Moxifloxacine (Aveloc) doc put me on for a month, it has been hurting my legs, but I guess it affected muscle/ ligaments all over (made them weaker). He said to continue, but reading around the antibiotic had been pulled from several countries do to this reason. Heavy deadlift must have stretched a lot of weak points before the bench.

I can be wrong of course on all above, but I feel I am making progress and I have stopped the meds. Will definitely try BPC and I heard great things about TB500 in combo?
This makes me glad to read! I (potentially stupid) went against MRI or US as reading around and feeling now a few days after it seems no one will operate on this, but rehab. Yes, I can pay for it myself, but a year off and empty account didn't sound worth it and I felt if it tear fully I have no choice regardless and can take it then.

I went back yesterday first time and I did a lot of warming up+cardio. Light stretches and movements to see what I could do, no pain or deform at all, nor blemishes. So I went for legs, just to see if I could at least keep a weight stable and it went all good. Ended with 5kg db's and 7kgs cable just to move around and feel very carefully. I felt it then, but very very minimal.

Today I woke up and felt it trying to tighten up. Went back to gym and did a small back session with no issue, working so I moved the injury in all angles I could after a good warmup (keeping it very controlled and never overstretch). Went fine.
Tried some light delt fly's in cable and light db presses and started to feel that sensitivity, but no pain. Ended with some light moving stretches.

It's there, but now feeling around I think I have noticed two things:
1) The injury is in muscle, just before the ligament. I might be very wrong here, but just a gut feeling. I was confused since no bruising, but it doesn't feel to be at the "rubbery" area, just next to it.
2) I had more injuries, very small, but there. I believe the culprit is the damn Moxifloxacine (Aveloc) doc put me on for a month, it has been hurting my legs, but I guess it affected muscle/ ligaments all over (made them weaker). He said to continue, but reading around the antibiotic had been pulled from several countries do to this reason. Heavy deadlift must have stretched a lot of weak points before the bench.

I can be wrong of course on all above, but I feel I am making progress and I have stopped the meds. Will definitely try BPC and I heard great things about TB500 in combo?
That is a common combo yes. If you feel discomfort in the muscle, keep in mind that the pain receptors in the pec are telling you not to traumatize the area anymore. Even micro trauma to an already traumatized area will only delay healing or promote further tearing. Play this smart and learn from the mistakes of others. Good luck brotha
This makes me glad to read! I (potentially stupid) went against MRI or US as reading around and feeling now a few days after it seems no one will operate on this, but rehab. Yes, I can pay for it myself, but a year off and empty account didn't sound worth it and I felt if it tear fully I have no choice regardless and can take it then.

I went back yesterday first time and I did a lot of warming up+cardio. Light stretches and movements to see what I could do, no pain or deform at all, nor blemishes. So I went for legs, just to see if I could at least keep a weight stable and it went all good. Ended with 5kg db's and 7kgs cable just to move around and feel very carefully. I felt it then, but very very minimal.

Today I woke up and felt it trying to tighten up. Went back to gym and did a small back session with no issue, working so I moved the injury in all angles I could after a good warmup (keeping it very controlled and never overstretch). Went fine.
Tried some light delt fly's in cable and light db presses and started to feel that sensitivity, but no pain. Ended with some light moving stretches.

It's there, but now feeling around I think I have noticed two things:
1) The injury is in muscle, just before the ligament. I might be very wrong here, but just a gut feeling. I was confused since no bruising, but it doesn't feel to be at the "rubbery" area, just next to it.
2) I had more injuries, very small, but there. I believe the culprit is the damn Moxifloxacine (Aveloc) doc put me on for a month, it has been hurting my legs, but I guess it affected muscle/ ligaments all over (made them weaker). He said to continue, but reading around the antibiotic had been pulled from several countries do to this reason. Heavy deadlift must have stretched a lot of weak points before the bench.

I can be wrong of course on all above, but I feel I am making progress and I have stopped the meds. Will definitely try BPC and I heard great things about TB500 in combo?
Is there a reason you are against just getting an MRI? Do you have insurance? Or no?