What causes the lump in my breast?

Yeah I get the same every time on 19nors lump under my right nipple.
Is 19nor related it become more obvious with testosterone in the mix. I keep it under control with masteron proviron and my usual AI and Nolva from time to time.
I had the need in the past to take caber.
Try masteron and proviron
i'm just not happy to add mast or proviron. my e2 is already down and kissing the low end. Afraid to add further that it will crash my e2
The lumps under my nipples have not gotten bigger so far.

but they are still very sore. is it still possible to develop gyno while taking tamoxifen and masteron?
The lumps under my nipples have not gotten bigger so far.

but they are still very sore. is it still possible to develop gyno while taking tamoxifen and masteron?
Yes, there’s a laundry list of hormones that can aggravate gyno other than just estrogen and prolactin
Yeah I get the same every time on 19nors lump under my right nipple.
Is 19nor related it become more obvious with testosterone in the mix. I keep it under control with masteron proviron and my usual AI and Nolva from time to time.
I had the need in the past to take caber.
Try masteron and proviron
19 nor make my nipples get bigger too. nolva ralox arim caber they do nothing for me. only masteron primo and proviron help me but thats a flash in the pan too, a day or two and they are swollen again. early September I have an operation to remove the gyno
Awesome! I have surgery scheduled in September as well. Give us an update post surgery!
Here is my first update, on Thursday of the week I underwent surgery for the surgical removal of the glands. She didn't do lipo because I didn't have excess fat. Seven days have passed today and I can say that post-op is no walk in the park, at least in my case. I'm swollen with fluid and bruised. I have a check-up tomorrow and I hope everything goes well.

These are the right side photos from this morning.


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