What did you inject today?

I sure do lol Curious to see what everyone likes as well. I’ve only been on for 2 years I suppose I get more excited about shit like this than say a 10 year vet
ive only been on for about 2 and a half years as well.
Pinning is a chore, i dont look forward to or get excited about any of it.

pinning 4-5 times a day at one point kinda sucked all the magic out of it.
Boring for me atm. Just 0.6 ml of pharma script test cyp. Gonna be that way for a while.
When I do my little blasts its usually just 2 compounds test + mast; test + EQ; test + NPP have been my latest.
I'm generally a low dose guy. A few years ago I would push it more with higher doses and more compounds but it is taking too long for my bloods these days to normalize.
Is this entrapment?
Not gana show any labels or say brands.
They dont pay enough lol

1cc test c 250mg, 4iu gh.

I'm injured right now so nothing exciting.
How do you feel on Test U? I believe the ester weight accounts for like 38% so my thought is 160 is quite low. Also what’s a good injection frequency? Very curious, thanks.
According to Nebido (TU) leaflet it's 63% of actual Testosterone minus the ester. Compared to more popular Enanthate (72%) or Cypionate (69%) esters. So yes, you're close.

On such dosages like 160, it doesn't differ too much, for example it's equivalent to 150 cypionate. It's when you go higher that's when it matters more - (500 TU = 450 TC).

Where it's differrent and what matters more is that TU doesn't peak as high, but it also doesn't go as low, it's more stable overall compared to any other T ester, maybe apart from TD (no experience here).

As for injection frequency for ultimate stability once per week TU is similar to eod TE/TC. So a big win for me and some people (depends on Shbg too).

Basically I inject once per week, but some people do every 10 days or so and even 2 weeks. This ester allows you to miss injections and you won't get punished. But I like to keep a routine so 1x per week is perfect for me.

Feeling good on it, not so much kick as TE/TC especially after injection, but it's very stable, so really no low days. It's interested and weird at the same time, but it works. I kinda like it. I just need to manage estrogen a bit differently, I need a bit more AI (I'm sensitive) more than others so it doesn't apply to everyone.

As always cruise dose is individual and some respond better or worse, so some need more or less based on that.
I sure do lol Curious to see what everyone likes as well. I’ve only been on for 2 years I suppose I get more excited about shit like this than say a 10 year vet
I get it. But don't forget to get excited about that heart surveillance and maybe some ultrasounds.

Ekg, echos, keep us posted.

I’ve never gone above 1cc In the shoulder. My ass can easily hold 3mls lol
Anyone with anything more than Average- Man-In-The-Street delts can take 2ml.

They can also easily take 1’ needles , despite the paranoia & current fashion for stupidly short needles.