What did you inject today?

Do you retain a lot of water with 12iu of GH? I already bloat up at 3-4 IUs like crazy
i think all of it must be from hgh/carbs, not e2 or salt intake.. if i drop my socks i have a second calf.. now i know why most pros use compression pants..

I leave my arms hanging when I sleep

It is also hard to get my socks on... when I jump into my boots they are under pressure..
How is your complete cycle structured?
20 weeks bulk, now last 2 weeks i like to put some tren in.. it feels like some muscle maturation is happening.

i have used test,mast,eq,primo,gh,slin(lantus and novo).. just tapered steroids up, used insulin as needed and as much gh as i can tolerate.

(When I had pain in my structures, I injected 90mg of Deca a few times)

-So usually first 8 weeks half dosage of steroids.

-Last 2 weeks TREN before I go on cruise.

50lbs up in 20 weeks and bf at around 16-18%.. i think fat only happened because i dropped GH a few times because of CTS.

-Cruise is 125/150 test e e4d for 8 weeks, calories on maintain(4-4,5k) and mayb i let 12iu gh + novo pre/post in it?

-Next Cycle i toss the primo(my body dont like it, feels wierd, dont see great benefits)
so its gonna be 910EQ/700Mast but i bump the test to 875 with AI
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Today Injects:
-120 Tren E
-200 Masteron E
-300 Bold U (EQ) cuz breath shortness
-12iu HGH
-20iu lantus(fasted bs was to high recently)
-13 / 23iu Novorapid pre / post

3 injects until cruise left.. tren E empty now first time trying tren A
50lbs up in 20 weeks and bf at around 16-18%.. i think fat only happened because i dropped GH a few times because of CTS.

-Cruise is 125/150 test e e4d for 8 weeks, calories on maintain(4-4,5k) and mayb i let 12iu gh + novo pre/post in it?

If that was a question, you got the muscle so I'd focus on losing body fat: lower kcals & more cardio until BF comes down.
20 weeks bulk, now last 2 weeks i like to put some tren in.. it feels like some muscle maturation is happening.

i have used test,mast,eq,primo,gh,slin(lantus and novo).. just tapered steroids up, used insulin as needed and as much gh as i can tolerate.

(When I had pain in my structures, I injected 90mg of Deca a few times)

-So usually first 8 weeks half dosage of steroids.

-Last 2 weeks TREN before I go on cruise.

50lbs up in 20 weeks and bf at around 16-18%.. i think fat only happened because i dropped GH a few times because of CTS.

-Cruise is 125/150 test e e4d for 8 weeks, calories on maintain(4-4,5k) and mayb i let 12iu gh + novo pre/post in it?

-Next Cycle i toss the primo(my body dont like it, feels wierd, dont see great benefits)
so its gonna be 910EQ/700Mast but i bump the test to 875 with AI
No, gaining fat wasn't simply due to dropping HGH a couple of times. The real issue is having unrealistic expectations. You gained an average of 2.5 pounds per week, how much of that do you think is muscle? Even gaining 1 pound of pure muscle per month is remarkable. Over five years, that would amount to 60 pounds of muscle.
No, gaining fat wasn't simply due to dropping HGH a couple of times. The real issue is having unrealistic expectations. You gained an average of 2.5 pounds per week, how much of that do you think is muscle? Even gaining 1 pound of pure muscle per month is remarkable. Over five years, that would amount to 60 pounds of muscle.
I'm 8 lbs heavier than ever. Before my bulk, I had 8% BF and was on 1800 kcal. My carb and water storages were low.Muscle Memory effect etc..
150 test C
100 Primo
2x 100mcg MOD GRF
2x 150ncg Ipamorelin
600mg L-Carnitine
1mg ss-31
250mcg HCG

I have one last mod GRF/Ipa shot before bed to do still.