What did you inject today?

Today Injects:
-0,6+0,8+1+1 test/bold/mast/primo (150+240+200+100)
-12iu HgH
-12iu Lantus
-1mg MT2
-13/17iu Novorapid pre/post

trouble to fall a-sleep atm...I turn back and forth and sweat for 3 hours..(only exp that from tren lmao)
-mayb e2 high or low?(heartburn,sensitive nips,muscles feeling tight so many pros and cons,need bloods to say exactly..)
-high bp from switching 6iu to 12iu hgh daily?
-high bp from mt2?
but yeah im bloated
idk.. bumped my telmisartan today from 40mg to 80
may try soon 10mg dbol or 20mg aromasin to get my e2 in range

If your BP isn't sub 130/80 adding 5mg of Amlodipine to the Telma will get you into a healthy range. They have a synergistic effect and sold as a single pill combo, but are just as effective separately. In fact you should drop Telm back to 40 of you try that combo.

When it comes to BP meds, 1+1=6
I switched to GSO carrier I was all about mct for a long time. Now I’m really loving the thick shit, not sure why. 3ccs one barrel. My glute is a little sore, nothing too bad. I did have a gnarly DL session.

For the same reason you probably like 21g pins. Some guys believe they deserve to be punished. lol.
For the same reason you probably like 21g pins. Some guys believe they deserve to be punished. lol.
I use 25g 1 inch for glutes and 25g 5/8 for delts and traps. I don’t mind pushing real slow. I do know a guy using 23g 1.5 inch I’m workin on him
It was a joke bro I don’t do meth ahahahah
In my early 20s we’d go to raves and get mdma. One time I’m almost positive we got meth this one time because after .25gs we were literally up for 4 days. We all hung out in my truck at a park and ride with the windows blocked with cardboard. It was such a rush looking for cops. We literally were looking through the cracks in the window like fuck here comes the cops for like 24 hours god I’m happy I got sober
In my early 20s we’d go to raves and get mdma. One time I’m almost positive we got meth this one time because after .25gs we were literally up for 4 days. We all hung out in my truck at a park and ride with the windows blocked with cardboard. It was such a rush looking for cops. We literally were looking through the cracks in the window like fuck here comes the cops for like 24 hours god I’m happy I got sober
Damn man lol. I'm already a super paranoid person, I'm glad I never got into drugs lol. One of the 2 times in my life I smoked weed I got super high at my brother's house, his next door neighbor got pulled over right in his own driveway for dui. I was so paranoid I was convinced the cops were there for us, I debated walking outside and turning myself in lmao.
In my early 20s we’d go to raves and get mdma. One time I’m almost positive we got meth this one time because after .25gs we were literally up for 4 days. We all hung out in my truck at a park and ride with the windows blocked with cardboard. It was such a rush looking for cops. We literally were looking through the cracks in the window like fuck here comes the cops for like 24 hours god I’m happy I got sober
Yea same, mdma and coke for me if I’m planning to do something crazy. Never experienced that before tho lmao definitely something was up with that mdma
Today Injects:
-0,5+0,8+1+1,1 test/bold/mast/primo (125+240+200+110) (lowering test cuz high e2 lets see how it goes)
-12iu HgH
-15iu Lantus(fasted bloodsugar is 80 today.. yesterday was restday with half carbs so 400g also skipped my 12iu hgh CTS PAIN)
-13/20iu Novorapid pre/post