What did you inject today?

just my daily 1ml of Hilma Sustanon...

3 10mg var pills (so far) under the tongue and a great pull workout starting with bayesian curls made me a happy monkey
the var pills - or any kind of oral steroid made by ugl's - will not work any better sublingual - AFAIK - as they are not designed for that kind of digestion, as it is too expensive. I heard one does mostly damage ones teeth with that.
the var pills - or any kind of oral steroid made by ugl's - will not work any better sublingual - AFAIK - as they are not designed for that kind of digestion, as it is too expensive. I heard one does mostly damage ones teeth with that.
is there really anything in oxandrolone or the fillers that could cause damage to teeth?
Been doing

Test EOD - 250MG
Primo EOD - 200MG

waiting on HGH for first time use, gonna mega dose It for 2 months and see what happens lol.. 5-10IU/day
That’s a healthy cycle I’m doing something similar but just test/primo at the moment but have some npp I may throw in down the road. What’s you weight and height?
Today Injects:
-0,6+0,8+1+1 test/bold/mast/primo (150+240+200+100)
-12iu HgH
-12iu Lantus
-1mg MT2
-13/17iu Novorapid pre/post

trouble to fall a-sleep atm...I turn back and forth and sweat for 3 hours..(only exp that from tren lmao)
-mayb e2 high or low?(heartburn,sensitive nips,muscles feeling tight so many pros and cons,need bloods to say exactly..)
-high bp from switching 6iu to 12iu hgh daily?
-high bp from mt2?
but yeah im bloated
idk.. bumped my telmisartan today from 40mg to 80
may try soon 10mg dbol or 20mg aromasin to get my e2 in range
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Today Injects:

-0,6+0,8+1+1 test/bold/mast/primo (150+240+200+100)

-12iu HgH
-1mg MT2

-15iu Lantus
-13/27iu Novorapid pre/post

-bp back in range with 80mg telmisartan
-bloat is a bit less.. insulin sensitivity took a hit..
-i changed my race within 9 days mt2..Everyone keeps asking me where I was on holiday.(1-2 days it should be empty)
-nips not sore but a flushing sometimes.. but i think my e2 should be in range didnt tryed AI or Dbol yet
Today Injects:

-0,6+0,8+1+1 test/bold/mast/primo (150+240+200+100)

-12iu HgH
-1mg MT2

-15iu Lantus
-13/27iu Novorapid pre/post

-bp back in range with 80mg telmisartan
-bloat is a bit less.. insulin sensitivity took a hit..
-i changed my race within 9 days mt2..Everyone keeps asking me where I was on holiday.(1-2 days it should be empty)
-nips not sore but a flushing sometimes.. but i think my e2 should be in range didnt tryed AI or Dbol yet
with low test + bold and 2 DHT your E2 is a low , take a blood and check
is there really anything in oxandrolone or the fillers that could cause damage to teeth?

Sugars, but not very much at all. Not like kids eating candy all day with rotting teeth.

I don't think this was a reference to anavar damaging teeth directly but I've been wrong before.
Ripped a CC of tren, CC of sustanon, CC of Masteron.

First run with Tren
Tren is stong stuff homie, I’d recommend .5 or .6CC of Tren E or Tren Hex… maybe .4 if using Tren A… Ace and Hex both suck imo. Tren E is the only solid compound lol. Some people swear by hex tho
Today Injects:
-0,6+0,8+1+1 test/bold/mast/primo (150+240+200+100)
-12iu HgH
-12iu Lantus
-1mg MT2
-13/17iu Novorapid pre/post

trouble to fall a-sleep atm...I turn back and forth and sweat for 3 hours..(only exp that from tren lmao)
-mayb e2 high or low?(heartburn,sensitive nips,muscles feeling tight so many pros and cons,need bloods to say exactly..)
-high bp from switching 6iu to 12iu hgh daily?
-high bp from mt2?
but yeah im bloated
idk.. bumped my telmisartan today from 40mg to 80
may try soon 10mg dbol or 20mg aromasin to get my e2 in range
Train harder and clean up your diet. Emphasis on the train harder part, if you train yourself until you can barely walk and you’re about to fall out, you’ll def be able to pass out like a baby and sleep longer than 3 hours. That’s the only way to fix tren, deca, and bold related sleep issues besides z drugs, benzos, or gabas
Test C 200-140 mg ED . 7 mL
NPP 100- .7 mg ED .7 mL
8 iu hgh ED split 4 AM-4 PM
TBOL 50 mg ED
350 test cyp
400 mast e

I don't know which turns me into a bigger degenerate, mast or tren.

Tren definitely takes my sexual preferences to a gay level, but mast is like all I can do creampie brap hogs all day.
Tren is stong stuff homie, I’d recommend .5 or .6CC of Tren E or Tren Hex… maybe .4 if using Tren A… Ace and Hex both suck imo. Tren E is the only solid compound lol. Some people swear by hex tho
I’m running tri tren first time around at 250mgs a week. 70 ace 90 e 90 hex. I usually split my shots into m/w/f but I wanted to see what the ace was all about. Definitely feeling different it’s been about 8 days since I started
350 test cyp
400 mast e

I don't know which turns me into a bigger degenerate, mast or tren.

Tren definitely takes my sexual preferences to a gay level, but mast is like all I can do creampie brap hogs all day.
I thought we were all gay bro fuck

As for the Masteron it just makes me an oily pervert no doubt
In the same barrel? Whenever i go over like 2.2ml a shot I get knots. Even with mct which is smooth as fuck for me
I switched to GSO carrier I was all about mct for a long time. Now I’m really loving the thick shit, not sure why. 3ccs one barrel. My glute is a little sore, nothing too bad. I did have a gnarly DL session.